Chris and Jessi Morse From 'Life Below Zero: Next Generation' Don't Consider Money a Priority

Published Oct. 5 2021, 2:16 p.m. ET

Cast members of Life Below Zero: Next Generation might be aware that superficial issues have to take a back seat when you're attempting to survive solely off of the land around you. While money may buy creature comforts, you can't exactly go to Target for a new television when you're living off the grid in the middle of Alaska.
Life Below Zero stars Chris and Jessi Morse have a unique take on the concept of money overall, and it wholly reflects their lifestyle choices. Keep reading for the known details of their net worth.

What are Chris and Jessi Morse's net worths? Their financial information hasn't ever been made public.
As of right now, there are no concrete details regarding how much Chris and Jessi are worth. In a 2020 exclusive interview with Distractify, the couple touched on the impact that money has on their lives, mentioning that they don't have much use for it.
According to them, currency holds no weight in their lifestyle as everything they need comes straight from the natural world around them. However, there is one thing they consider to be as valuable as money — wood.
"Wood is how we do everything out here," Jessi explained. "If I want to cook, I am going to use my wood stove, if I want to heat the house, that's fired by wood, if I want to shower, that's fired by wood.
Chris chimed in by adding that, "A strong background in mechanics and a willingness to adapt and overcome is really important out here."

Of course, not relying on money means being largely devoid of creature comforts found in regular society, but Chris and Jessi manage to get by nonetheless, with the few pleasure items they own.
"Jessi NEEDS music to survive. They download music to old cell phones (they charge off solar)," Brendon shared with Distractify. "So she has a few different phones with music saved." The pair also apparently owns an old cassette player they found in the cabin which they use to play music.
What are cast members on 'Life Below Zero' paid?
According to TVStarBio, the cast members of Life Below Zero make roughly $4,500 per episode. Although this may not seem like a lot for stars of one of the most successful wilderness reality shows on television, it furthers the aforementioned point that the type of people the program focuses on have little need for money.
Thank you everyone for all of the birthday wishes yesterday. Jess has been such an amazing part of my life I couldn't imagine life with out her. Its also our anniversary of our first date 14 years ago :)
Posted by Chris and Jessi Morse Life Below Zero on Monday, July 19, 2021
What are the other famous 'Life Below Zero' cast members net worths? A few are known.
Although information regarding Chris and Jessi's finances hasn't ever been made public, the same can't be said for other Life Below Zero stars, who all have varying net worths. Per TVStarBio, the top of the financial food chain is Glenn Villeneuve, with an estimated net worth of $1,000,000. Stars Sue Aiken, Jesse Holmes, and Jessie Holmes are each worth an estimated $500,000. Erik and Martha Mae Salitan rank in just after them with an estimated net worth of $400,000.
Andy Bassich has an estimated net worth of $250,000. The most up-in-the-air valuation goes to James Franzo, who is worth anywhere from $100,000 to $249,000. As for Ricko DeWilde, he is reportedly worth around $150,000. Coming in last, Kate Bassich and husband and wife Chip and Agnes Hailstone have net worths of roughly $100,000 each.