A Woman Claims Her Boyfriend Killed JonBenét Ramsey — Where Is Chris Wolf Now?
"I just drove around a little bit, smoked some marijuana, listened to some music in the car, and then came home and went to sleep."

Published March 7 2025, 9:23 a.m. ET
It has been over 25 years since the brutal murder of 6-year-old JonBenét Ramsey shocked the world. The child beauty queen was found dead in the palatial Boulder, Colo. home of her parents, John and Patsy Ramsey. Her older brother, Burkey Ramsey, was unharmed. Things took a turn almost immediately as police failed to contain a crime scene that was already damaged when after John carried his daughter's body from the basement to the family room.
Almost everyone was a suspect, including John, Patsy, and Burke. There was no shortage of conspiracy theories, including some sort of mob connection that had something to do with John's work. His company had just earned their first billion the year JonBenét was killed. As time dragged on, the suspects list narrowed until only a couple were left. One of them was a man named Chris Wolf, and it is his former girlfriend who believes he did it. Here's what we know.
Chris Wolf's ex-girlfriend alleges he murdered JonBenét Ramsey.
The death of JonBenét Ramsey was made more devastating by the fact that it occurred the day after Christmas in 1996. Jacqueline Dilson remembers the day before quite clearly because that is when her boyfriend, Chris Wolf, was acting rather strangely. On Christmas, he disappeared for a few hours from the home they shared in Boulder. When he came back, Dilson told the Daily Mail his behavior was erratic.
When she woke up the morning of the 26th, Wolf was taking a shower and his mud-stained clothes were on the bathroom floor. Wolf grew agitated after Dilson asked where he was the night before. She later told police that when news of JonBenét's murder was all over every television station, Wolf started ranting and raving about the 6-year-old's father. Per Dilson, Wolf said he wanted John to die, then accused him of sexually abusing his daughter.
A few weeks after the murder, Dilson went to the Boulder Police and told them what happened. She even brought his clothes from the night as well as a handwriting sample. He was brought in for questioning but refused to provide DNA or handwriting samples of his own. Despite Wolf's defensive attitude, police said he was cleared. Dilson isn't the only person who believes Wolf might have killed the little beauty queen.
Where is Charles Wolf now?
In 2001, Wolf testified to his innocence under oath during a deposition. This was on the heels of the Ramseys' book, The Death of Innocence, in which they also floated Wolf as a suspect. Wolf sued John and Patsy for defamation, but the $50 million lawsuit was dismissed two years later in 2003.
When Wolf spoke with the Daily Mail in March 2025, he stood by his statements from the night JonBenét was killed, claiming he was back home by 9:30 p.m. "I just drove around a little bit, smoked some marijuana, listened to some music in the car, and then came home and went to sleep," he said. Wolf added that the dirt on his clothes was probably from wearing them for a few days as he didn't own a ton of clothing.
Dilson self-published a book titled The Unheard Call in which she goes into greater detail about her suspicions regarding Wolf. He maintains his innocence.