It Looks Like Christina Mandrell Is a Villain on 'The Bachelor' — Where Did That Come From?

Published Jan. 30 2023, 11:28 p.m. ET
It looks as if women collapsing on staircases is about to become the norm on The Bachelor. And while we're partially watching for the drama, it can't be comfortable for weeping ladies to contort their bodies around a hard set of stairs.
Season 27 has already had its sobbing staircase moment in the form of 27-year-old Christina Mandrell.
Thankfully, she's very funny about it. In an Instagram posted Jan. 21, she did a light recreation of the soon-to-be infamous moment, and it certainly looks less gut-wrenching in the harsh light of day. Where does one get the dramatic chops needed to collapse onto a flight of steps? Is it nature or nurture? Who are Christina Mandrell's parents and did they raise her with a solid set of steps?

Christina Mandrell (right) with her mom and sister
Christina Mandrell and her mom, Irlene, come from a famous family.
Looks like Christina might have inherited her flair for the dramatic from her mother, Irlene, who is one third of the country western music group Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrell Sisters. And while many might recognize Barbara more than Irlene or their sister Louise, it was Irlene who broke a couple of glass ceilings during her performing days.
In a July 2018 interview with Girl Guitar Magazine at CMA Fest, Irlene chatted about being "one of the first commercially significant female drummers." She has long since moved on from music, but it was Irlene's time behind a drum kit that left an impression on so many aspiring musicians.
When asked why she played the drums, Irlene explained it was the "only instrument left." Her family needed a drummer so Irlene stepped up. If only Christina's dad was as cool as her mom.
Christina Mandrell's father sure does love guns.
Nothing in life is perfect and Christina Mandrell's dad, Rob Pincus, is proof of that. He's a gun rights activist and founder of I.C.E. Training Company. Hold onto your cowboy hats because I.C.E. stands for Integrity, Consistency, Efficiency. Sounds vague enough to make no sense.
According to their website, I.C.E. provides "efficient training methodologies to those interested in developing firearms, tactical operations, and defensive skills." Don't worry, Rob is qualified to do this for very terrifying reasons!
"Rob has experience as a law enforcement officer and executive protection agent and was also commissioned as an officer in the United States Army Reserve," the site explains.
Now, if you're asking yourself, does Rob have bylines with S.W.A.T. Magazine? Please ask no further. Rob absolutely writes for a piece of media called S.W.A.T. Magazine and we don't think it has anything to do with shooing away flies.
Our favorite part about I.C.E. (and really, who can narrow it down?), is the fact that they are "regularly sought out as team building and leadership development consultants by business leaders and multi-national corporations and conduct programs involving firearm familiarization and other unique experiences."
Nothing says team building quite like firearms! Most people would probably prefer a raise.