Christmas Song About a Bus Crash Might Be the Worst Holiday Track of All Time

Published Nov. 13 2023, 9:17 a.m. ET

Whenever the holidays roll around you can count on a few things: the Hallmark channel will be attempting to break its previous years' record of how many new different Christmas movies it can air in a single Yuletide season(and with the ever-increasing popularity of AI software, the network could probably get the screenplays churned out in record time.)
You can also count on mass shopping hysteria and, of course, Christmas songs. They'll be playing at every single business and workplace party. They're going to be blasting on radio stations and streaming platform users will be tapping away on their devices to share their own Christmas playlists packed with songs they think are Holiday classics.
And you're probably already familiar with the slew of classic Christmas tracks, and probably a few Michael Buble compilations. Heck, you may even look forward to Gucci Mane's East Atlanta Santa albums that periodically roll out around the holidays.
But it seems that there's an old-school Christmas track released by Linda Bennett in 1975 that's slipped through the cracks.
That is, until now. The song, titled "An Old Fashioned Christmas (Daddy's Home)" has gone viral on TikTok thanks to several users sharing their reactions to the video, including a user on the platform named Laura (@young.muppet).
She says that while the song starts off like any old corny sounding Christmas song, it becomes "increasingly unhinged and horrifying."
Laura encourages everyone else to listen to the song but implores them to ignore the comments section and just look it up and listen to it without any prior knowledge, which other folks on the platform, like this gentleman here, have done while recording their live reactions.
Calling it a journey is quite an understatement.
Before we delve into how Laura even came across this track, let's just cut right to the chase and play the song in its entirety below, with the full transcription of the lyrics to follow beneath it.
Here are the lyrics to the song, courtesy of Genius:
(Silent Night in background)
[News Reporter]
This is your music, news and weather station
Bringing you the best in Christmas music
On this beautiful Christmas Eve
Look outside, the snow is falling, what a sight to see
Daddy will be coming home, as happy as can be
He'll be walkin' through the door at ten minutes after nine'
Cause the bus he takes each night is always right on time
It's gonna be a very merry Christmas
With all the children by the Christmas tree
It's gonna be a real old fashioned Christmas
For my children, their daddy, and me
(Jingle Bells in background)
Bells on bobtail ring, making spirits bright
What fun it is to --
*news alеrt beeping*
[News Reporter]
We're sorry to interrupt this program, but a bullеtin has just been handed me
There's been a serious accident involving the number five bus out of New Haven
The only information we have is that the bus skidded on a patch of ice and slammed into a tree
Stay tuned to this station for further details
Mommy isn't that the bus Daddy rides each night
Put your mind at ease my children, everything's all right
Everyone don't get excited, things will be okay
Nothing bad is gonna happen on this Christmas Day

It's gonna be a very merry Christmas
With all the children by the Christmas tree
It's gonna be a real old fashioned Christmas
For my children, their daddy, and me
(The First Noel in background)
Noel, noel
Noel, Noel --
*news alert beeping*
[News Reporter]
Ladies and gentlemen, I've just been handed the latest report involving bus number five out of New Haven
And from all indications we're sorry to report that there were no survivors
Oh my god this just can't happen what am I to do
What have I got left in life to look forward to
Who will walk me down the aisle on my wedding day
Who is gonna buy me toys and take me out to play

*Doorbell rings*
Merry Christmas everybodyI know it's late and i missed my bus
Well don't just stand there! Help me with these presents!
It's gonna be a very merry Christmas
With all the children by the Christmas tree
It's gonna be a real old fashioned Christmas
For my children, their daddy, and me[Son]Merry Christmas Daddy
So how did Laura even come across a track like this? Remember the not-so-good-old days when people burned CDs for each other to share music? Well, one year, at a Christmas party thrown by her parents, Laura said that a friend of the family arrived with a CD full of what he considered to be the worst Christmas songs ever made.
On that CD, was the now-infamous Linda Bennett track. But there have been other folks who've maintained, years ago even, that "An Old Fashioned Christmas (Daddy's Home)" is the worst Christmas song ever recorded, like the Riverfront Times so ardently argued in a 2011 piece on the track.

The outlet even highlighted the efforts of Fox News, which purportedly spent a year attempting to locate Linda Bennett to discuss the song. When Fox was finally able to get in touch with her, she says she didn't even remember recording the song. Which is believable, given the fact that she "had an extensive career in the '50s and '60s, performing on various TV shows and on Bob Hope's USO tour."
Judging by the sheer number of people who love to hate the song, maybe it's best that Linda forgot it ever existed in the first place.