Server Blasts 18 Person Table Who Took 1 Hour to Order, Left $10 Tip on Massive Bill

Published March 8 2023, 10:36 a.m. ET

The ominous tales of the dreaded Sunday morning/afternoon church crowd are widely disseminated among servers, and one probably needn't search for too long to see a number of social media posts about this specific demographic of restaurant diners.
One TikToker has previously stated that there is no worse type of group, pound, for pound, for servers to try and accommodate while they're on the job than the "church crowd." And it seems like there are others who can corroborate this experience with some less-than-ideal customer interactions of their own.
Like this one posted about by another user on the platform by the name of Shanell (@spotlightshanell) who encountered a large group of customers who kept adding more diners to their table and exhibited generally inconsiderate behavior the entire time. To top it all off, Shanell worried that she wouldn't be getting a tip when they were finally done.
She says in the video: "Right now I have a table...full of church people they bout to send me to hell. God please, god please, god please, first they say it's gonna be thirteen, they get here and they like oh we got five more. So now they want us to pull five more seats out of our a**. And this is my first table of the day. It's 6:39 they're just getting their food."

The exasperated server continued, explaining the delay it took in getting their meals to the table: "Why? Because everybody didn't get here till like f***ing six o clock...the people who was here already was probably like ten people they don't want to get started until everybody is set. We telling them we might be able to set all y'all at the same time because your set-up was thirteen now y'all saying it's eighteen, nineteen, they keep adding people to the f***ing party."

The frustrations with the "church crowd" table didn't end there: "It's only me taking this whole f***ing party I'm sitting here waiting for them, waiting for them, waiting for everybody to get set I keep going to the table asking them are y'all ready? Are y'all ready? No, we're waiting for our friends. We're waiting for these people we're waiting for that people."

What makes matters more delicate, the server says, is the age range of the customers: "It's a bunch of old people y'all so I'm trying to be so patient with them, but baby..." she just puts her hand on her forehead and laughs.

Shanell goes on to say that the table of elderly church folks then begin to take a turn, "Then they all finally got set y'all and they got the nerve to be rushing me. Then they're adding people one by one, they're pulling chairs from other tables, add 'em to their table, like, if these people don't tip me..." she begins to laugh again while shaking her head.

"Then, I don't know if she the first lady but got the nerve to be rushing me and I'm asking her like what you want to order she like, 'give me a minute'." Shanell then looks into the camera in utter disbelief at how much situational awareness the customer lacked. "A minute? I done gave y'all sixty-seven of them! I've been waiting for y'all for over an hour what are you talking about a minute?"

Shanell finished her rant, looks at the camera, and then begins to walk out of the kitchen while speaking into her camera while moving her finger around in circles. "Let's go ahead and wrap it up!" she says as she walks out into the dining area to interact with her massive table of churchgoers once more.

The video then cuts to Shanell talking into the camera again however at a different angle, "They really on my last nerve like I just want to get up and get out like if they don't tip me, y'all, after all this...aite, aite."
She did provide an update to how much she was tipped in a follow-up. And true to "church people" form...this is what she received.
That's right, she was given $10 on a $351.11 bill. How would you have reacted? Do you think that the restaurant should've added an automatic gratuity for table sizes that large? Or do you think that gratuities should always be based on an "honor system" from customers?