“Get This Man His Extension” — Student Sends Professor Song Asking for More Time on Essay
"Just give him 100/100."

Published Dec. 16 2024, 10:13 a.m. ET

College professor Morgan Hunter (@moproblems0) was shocked by the lengths one of her students went to in order to get an extension on an essay for her class.
She posted the video during the hullabaloo of finals week, where one will often find students in mad dash attempts to get all of their assignments done and cramming an entire semester's worth of studying into single nights.
At least one of her students decided to ask for an extension on this paper and emailed his professor a unique way to make his request. She dedicated a video, which accrued over 342,000 views on the application to the student's unique extension plea.
"I swear college kids these days will do ANYTHING except write their actual essays," a text overlay in Morgan's video reads.
She looks into the camera of her video, and the reflections of both her phone and computer screens are visible in her glasses.
Next, she holds her hand up to her mouth, pantomiming the surprise she felt upon reading a message from one of her students.
She smiles before her clip transitions to a recording of an email she received from one of her students. The subject of the message: "Song feedback."

The email contains a 1 mb attachment — it's an .mp3 file titled "Extension" and the email the song was attached to contains the following message: "Hey Professor Morgan, I found out yesterday that my statistics exam is tomorrow, and I am wildly unprepared for it."
Furthermore, the student goes on to state: "I have been putting all my time towards it, and haven't gotten around to what I need to do for your class."
Morgan decided to click on the .mp3 file to listen to what the student put together. As it turns out, it was a song dedicated to the sole purpose of getting an extension for the paper the student needed to complete for Morgan's class.
A smooth R&B pop beat can be heard as the backdrop of the track. A voice can be heard crooning: "Dear Professor Morgan, I hope you're having a wonderful day. I have a favor to ask, my laptop just crashed, and I didn't hit save."

Guess the student never heard of Google Docs or is completely neglecting that most modern word processing programs will automatically save the progress of whatever it is you're working on.
However, let's not let that little bit of information get in the way of a good song narrative.
The singer continues, clearly hamming it up by peppering the track with obviously fake excuses in the hopes of getting an extension on their assignment. "Please can I have an extension? Oh, I forgot to mention something not great. My dog ate my router and I don't have power."
All they're asking for in order to get the paper done is just a bit more time. "Just a few more hours and I'll turn it in. Can I have an extension?" he asks as the beat continues to play out and the short song comes to a close.

Morgan opted to let TikTokers decide whether or not the student in question should be granted a bit more time on their paper. She writes in a caption for her video: "Well … should he get an extension?"
She clarifies in her caption that the student in question did indeed give her permission to post the song, given that it was private correspondence and all.
Several TikTokers responded to Morgan's video stating that they thought the student's track was worth of getting an extension. One person penned: "This would have worked on me."
While another replied: "Give it to him we’re all going through it."
Someone else said that the student in question was clearly exhibiting creativity, and the song should even count towards his grade.
"Girl that’s a 100 secured for creativity."
However, there were others who quipped that Morgan could've gotten creative herself in her response to the procrastinating student.
"Imagine you replied with a song saying 'Yooooouu failed.'"
Others were just impressed with the level of production that the student displayed in their Extension.mp3 track. "Man in the wrong major."
Another replied: "The fact that it had backing vocals."
Morgan's TikTok garnered so much attention on the popular social media application that companies' official TikTok accounts, like Mr. Clean, responded to the video. The social media manager for the brand wrote: "Honestly skip the extension and just give them an A+."
What did you think of the student's extension song? Should he be granted one? Or do you think that the lenience of professors is what has ultimately contributed to the reported downfall of higher education in the United States?