Here Are the Hilarious Finalists for the Comedy Pet Photo Awards

Updated Sept. 29 2020, 9:49 p.m. ET

Our pets do a lot for us. They comfort us, they bring unconditional love into our lives, and they make us laugh. Some expert pet owners / photographers have captured their pets at their funniest this year, and the finalists for the Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards of 2020 are officially here!
According to a press release, "Not only does the competition showcase the incredibly positive impact that pets have on out lives, it also aims to raise awareness around homeless pets in the UK, a message that is at the heart of competition sponsor's Mars Petcare and their mission of 'Ending Pet Homelessness.'" Portions of the entry fees for the contest go toward making sure pets find homes and the best vet treatment and care they can find. Without further ado, some of our favorite finalists for the Mars Petcare Comedy Pet Photo Awards 2020!

The three land dogs are like, "What is this strange creature that looks like us emerging from the water? It cannot be... Why yes! It is a dog, just like us! Join us! Join us!"

I could watch animals stretch all day long. It's the most relaxing thing. This fuzzy bunny looks like she has a penchant for singling while stretching, and I love it.

Why the wiggly, concerned face? It simply doesn't get any better than dogs caught on camera mid-shake. They never fail to look absolutely ridiculous. It's why we love them.

Ah, so that's what the treats at the bottom of the treat jar see every day! Anyone else just want to mush his cute little face? It's the skin folds and wrinkles for me.

Horses are extremely powerful, majestic, elegant animals...until they open their mouths. Don't let them fool you with their billowing manes and shiny coats. These animals are goofy as heck.

This little poodle's hair looks just as excited as the rest of him to catch that ball! Get it, little buddy!

The title of this photo is, "I'm Down Here, Human," and that about sums it up. Friends, dogs are just the best. Look at his face. How can you not want that face in your life?

"Do you think they see us?"
"Nah, no way. We're being so stealthy."
"You sure?"
"Oh yeah. Totally."

Is it just me or does this look like a freeze-frame from the beginning of a gangster movie? There'd be a guy with an intense Jersey accent talking over it. "This is Mr. Fish. They called him that because he gutted fifty a day with his bare claws. Needless to say, you didn't want to mess with Mr. Fish."

This is the face of a dog who just realized that dogs cannot walk on water. It's absolutely perfect.

When you said your dogs love car rides, I didn't think you meant that they love driving the car and chilling in the back while you stay at home and play Angry Birds on your phone.

Can you believe that Lenore pooped while she was walking and then tripped over her own poop? The way hot gossip travels in the stables... You can't get away with anything!

"And thee I dub, a very good owner. Now give me treats, please."

I may be wrong here, but I think this kitten was just a little surprised by the flash photography. Looks like she was caught trying to nestle in those red slippers.