Internet Divided Over Computer Mouse Hack to Trick Your Boss Into Thinking You're Working

Published May 16 2023, 5:05 p.m. ET
Leave it to crafty internet users to come up with the most effective ways to pretend like you're doing work. Over on TikTok, a new hack is going viral that allows a person to emulate mouse movement so that, in theory, your boss thinks you're at your desk working when you actually aren't.
Is anyone really shocked that this technology exists? We shouldn't be. So, let's take a look at what's actually going on and how people online are reacting to it.
To nobody's surprise, TikTok figured out a way to hack a computer mouse and fake work.
In a video uploaded to TikTok, user Allison, who goes by the handle @allizsin, shared a video in which she reveals a device that allows one to keep a computer mouse moving nonstop throughout the day. She states before showing the device that "Sometimes you might not want people to know that you're away from your computer. For whatever reason, personal, work, whatever. For this hypothetical situation, I have found a resolution."
Allison then proceeds to reveal the device, which she calls a "mouse mover." Available on Amazon, the device offers a rotating plate that makes contact with the bottom of any traditional computer mouse and keeps its cursor moving across the screen. In doing so, it effectively tricks any software a remote employer may use to ensure that an employee is at their desk working at all times during office hours.
Allison made sure to note that the device must be plugged into its own wall socket and not the computer itself in order to further ensure that an employer won't know they're being duped by an outside device. It moves the computer cursor peroodically, as Allison says, "long enough so that you don't go idle on your computer."
The comments under the computer mouse hack TikTok are as divisive as can be.
As with most viral things on the internet, users from every viewpoint flooded the comments to share their takes on the computer mouse moving device.
Supporters came out in droves, with one user writing, "OMG! I love you right now!"
Another chimed in with, "I’ve had this for 2.5 years. Work from home necessities. LOL."
However, many questioned how someone working a full-time job would have the extra time between tasks to necessitate faking work.
"Y’all have time to do that? I have 50 hours of work to cram into 40," wrote one user.
"The minute I step away to go the bathroom I have 54 teams messages and at least 4 missed calls," added another.
"I have way too much work to not actually be working," agreed a third.
Those occupying a middle ground of sorts shared their takes on the device as well.
"If my direct reports can do all the tasks I’ve assigned by the date I’ve set, I don’t care if they’re watching Netflix," said one TikTok user.
"As long as you’re getting your work done they shouldn’t care, but not all places are reasonable," concured a second neutral party.
Where do you stand on the computer mouse mover device debate?