Neighbors Kept Running Over Guy's Fence So He Installed a Concrete Barrier

Updated March 18 2019, 12:01 p.m. ET

If you've grown up in a small community, chances are you or your family has tolerated some degree of nonsense from a neighbor or two for years on end simply because it was easier than addressing it head on, especially if money had to be involved to properly rectify the issue.
Usually the 'unofficial' solution provided is good enough for everyone involved, but sometimes neighbors will keep pushing to see just how far they can push you and your good will until it all backfires in extraordinary fashion. This is a story about exactly that.
Reddit user MihaM12 posted his family's story about neighbors that took things too far to the justice thirsty subreddit known as r/ProRevenge. He and his family grew up in a small European country and lived in a private neighborhood comprised of residents who were all loosely related to one another, which to anyone familiar with that kind of living arrangement, already means that personal lines are blurred more than usual between residents there.
The issue they had involved narrow roads, bad drivers, and the desire to protect their property. In the post, MihaM12 explains the issue thoroughly.
Our property line is kinda like a square and it is surrounded by road from two sides. Keep in mind that on one part of the road we let our neughbors use 1 square meter of the land so they could use the road safer and not damage our property This is cruicial information.
This road is made of gravel. The neighbors want my parents and only my parents to pay for the entire cost to lay an asphalt road. My dad and my mother are constantly fixing pot holes for 90% of the road, so naturally, our neighbors thought that they will to pay for the asphalt road. Classic r/choosingbeggars
Fast forward 20 years, the road remains gravel -ish. Nobody wanted to pay for the asphalt road. One day my neighbors order a massive truck filled with tons of wood.
The truck driver runs over our fence. Nobody wanted to pay for the damage. Our fence is made out of multiple bushes, trees and a little bit of metal fence too. These plants were now completely destroyed and a part of metal fence completely bent. We had to replant these plants and place a new metal fence. My father told me this was not the first time this happend but actually third. I couldn't believe it when I heard this.
To help us visualize the scene, MihaM12 provided us with an illustration of the property line and corner in question.
This was the line that broke the 20-year courtesy camel's back. Luckily the OP's father is very familiar with the local laws and regulations. His response was well within his legal rights, as MihaM12 explains.
So this is where the revenge begins.
My father is a police officer in the department where they mostly handle frauds, drug busts etc. He knows the law well.
He dug up the property line marker and placed plastic barrels filled with rocks on our property. In the next 6 hours 3 of our neighbors came knocking on the door because they hit our plastic barrels filled with rocks. They were angry and wanted to call the cops. But they never did. Because everybody knew that little part of land was still our property. One neighbor in particular treathened my dad that he will throw a fucking pickaxe at my father's back. Over the period of 1 year these neighbors hit the barrels so much with their cars that the barrels are now worthless.
My dad was furious and he changed his petty revenge into a prorevenge. He cut some wood to use it as a mold. He bought cement, sand and metal poles. One peaceful afternoon my father and I cemented that whole part of the land and placed some lovely flovers on top. So when they hit the concrete they can smell our flowers of victory/defeat.
An actual photo of this masterpiece was posted as well.
And everybody lived happily ever after.
As we expected. 5 neighbors in total wrecked their cars on the new fence and nobody came knocking on the door.
Tl:dr Neighbors ran over our fence. Did not want to pay. Dad installed a better fence that wrecked their cars.
It just goes to show you that everyone has their limits, regardless how long they've tolerated your antics beforehand.