Costco Customer Has Meltdown for "Covidiotic" Response to Face Masks

Updated May 3 2020, 12:35 p.m. ET

The social distancing/face mask orders across the country that arose in amid the COVID-19 pandemic are frustrating tons of people. It wasn't too long ago when you'd see people walking around with surgical masks here and there and you'd give a quick eye roll to your pal whenever they passed by. But now, it's no laughing matter.
There are some folks who take the "bubble boy" mentality to new extremes, and their attempts at not just coping with but glorifying all of the new restrictions and life rules can be a bit cringe-inducing. Drive-by birthday parties, weird selfies of them and the whole family rocking face masks and sneeze guards, TikTok videos of how to make your own sanitizer at home, it all feels like a bit much and could make the most understanding of us want to face palm.
This, however, is arguably better than the throngs of individuals who are so sick and tired of the mandates, rules, and restrictions — not to mention the economic impact this virus has had on tens of millions of people — that they've decided to take matters into their own hands and "protest" the virus.
No, I'm not talking about just protesting the way the response to the virus is being handled, but the actual virus itself.
Talia, on Twitter, is just one of many who isn't afraid of not only downplaying the risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, but is actively trying to rebel and turn the orders in place into a political issue.
She seemed particularly incensed at Costco, the surplus superstore that's easily in the running for most American retail experience of all time, for stipulating all customers and employees wear face coverings to help curb the spread of the virus.
Parts of California, especially Los Angeles County, have enforced strict facial covering rulings for shoppers. Being in confined places where multiple people pass through on an hourly basis will up one's chances of contracting COVID-19.
So there are tons of city, county, and state ordinances (like in New Jersey) that warn if you're not wearing a mask, you won't be getting any service. While Costco recently enforced a nationwide mask-wearing rule for all its stories, in many areas it's legally required.
It may be that Talia didn't take that into consideration, because her tweet makes it sound like she's blaming the retailer for imposing the face masks shopping restriction in her area. Not only is she upset that the mask order is perpetuating "propaganda," but she also writes that it violates the Americans with Disabilities Act.
While some folks pointed out that on average, most Costco shoppers are older and therefore more at risk of catching COVID-19, others echoed Talia's sentiments.
Sadly, the COVID-19 pandemic has quickly turned into a political issue (everything does at some point, even Marvel movie production choices,) and there are folks, like this dude with a self-admitted alcohol problem, who proudly wears an "I Refuse to Comply" T-shirt with a photo of a mask right above it.
My only question is: Did he make that shirt himself or did he buy them from a retailer? And how did they stock them so quickly?
Yikes bro. from r/cringepics
The photo was accompanied with a message about his personal struggles and how he believes "sheeple" are being duped by the Coronavirus pandemic response.
It didn't take long for people to lambast both Mr. Shirt over here and Talia for their COVID-19 outrage posts.
Stay-at-home orders are extending until the end of May in many places, but some across the country are sticking to the May 15 end date. It's hard to imagine this could go on much longer for people without work unless another stimulus check comes in.

The best way to prevent contracting or spreading the coronavirus is with thorough hand washing and social distancing. If you feel you may be experiencing symptoms of the coronavirus, which include persistent cough (usually dry), fever, shortness of breath, and fatigue, please call your doctor before going to get tested. For comprehensive resources and updates, visit the CDC website. If you are experiencing anxiety about the virus, seek out mental health support from your provider or visit