People on TikTok Are Asking “Could I Pull You?” Here’s What It Means

Updated Oct. 7 2020, 12:24 p.m. ET

The many varied social media platforms we have access to these days are good for all kinds of things. You can use them to connect with people all over the world, stay in touch with friends from all walks of life, and watch funny videos that make you happy.
But while social media is great for staying in touch and making connections, let’s be honest: Most of what people post is all about getting validation. At the end of the day, we all want people to see us living our best lives and looking great while doing it. On TikTok, people participating in the latest trend completely skip over the usual pretense and just ask point-blank: Could I pull you?
What’s the meaning of “Could I pull you?” on TikTok?
If you don’t immediately understand what the “Could I pull you trend?” is all about, you’ll probably catch on pretty quickly after watching one or two videos. Basically, people place text reading “Could I pull you?” over the video, then share pictures or videos of themselves. In most cases, they’re sharing pictures of themselves looking their best. There’s a reason for that.
As for what “Could I pull you?” means, it’s essentially the same as asking, “Do you think I’m attractive?” There really isn’t much more to it than that. This trend is basically turning people’s TikTok pages into Tinder profiles — and a quick glance through the comments is all it takes to see how people would “swipe” if given the chance.
As with most things that go viral on TikTok, the “Could I pull you?” trend gets even better when people put their own spin on it and make funny versions rather than following the prescribed pattern that most people use. We’re big fans of the videos where people make “Could I pull you?” videos of their dogs (because, obviously, yes).
There are also some people who are sharing some less conventionally attractive photos of themselves as a way to poke fun at the trend a bit. We love those videos too! Who doesn’t find a sense of humor attractive?
At the end of the day, it’s true that the “Could I pull you?” trend on TikTok could be considered a bit shallow and superficial, but when you get down to it, aren’t most trends a bit shallow and superficial? There’s something refreshing about people just straight-up asking, “Hey! Do you think I’m attractive?” even if it is just for views, likes, and comments on TikTok.
If participating in the trend gives people a self-esteem boost, then we are totally here for it. At the very least, it gives people the chance to share that fire selfie they took and were too nervous to post! Live your best life, you know? Do some of the videos come across as being the teensiest bit desperate? Maybe!
But we’re all just looking for validation from other people, right? We vote to let the people participating in this trend have their fun… and don’t pretend as though you haven’t secretly wondered who you could “pull” too.