Couple Cusses at Kids for "Letting Basketball Roll Into Street" — and Social Media Is Outraged

Published June 20 2023, 5:44 p.m. ET
Respect goes both ways.
Growing up, most folks are taught to respect their elders. After all, it’s important to have manners when dealing with people.
However, adults should also respect kids. So, when folks see adults being rude and disrespectful to children unprovoked, it becomes a problem very quickly.
Now, a TikTok video of a couple cussing at children playing basketball has made its rounds on social media and folks are not pleased. Here’s the full scoop.

A couple cusses at kids playing basketball in a viral TikTok video.
In case you didn’t know, wisdom doesn’t always come with age. In a June 2023 TikTok post, creator Kellie (@so.kellie) shared a video of children being verbally harassed by a couple — apparently for letting a basketball roll down the street.
"I have never been so disgusted in my life," Kellie captioned the post. "A grown man and woman yelling at kids (including my own) playing basketball and calling 14-15 year olds 'r-------.' Why did this occur? Because a d--- basketball rolled into the street (a cul-de-sac, mind you)...."
As the video starts, a man and woman approach two teen boys in a driveway. There's also a little girl standing nearby.
The woman starts questioning the teens about living in the home they are outside of.
“Do you live here?” the woman asks. One of the teens points to a friend out of the frame.
“Neither one of them live here,” the man says, talking about the two teen boys they confronted.
Once the woman asks again who lives in the house, the friend who's out of the frame says that he does. The woman then begins to cuss at the teens.
“So none of you have a f------ say in this house,” the woman says.
"So now we're cussing at minors?" one of the teens calmly asks.
Her partner then says that they’re cussing at them because they’re “r-------.” The man goes on to explain that he “knows the law.”
One of the teens shares that the teen next to him is the son of the sheriff. The man laughs in his face and calls him a liar since he wouldn’t reveal his father’s name.
As both parties continued to go back and forth, the man explains that he's upset that the teens are "throwing stuff down the street," which can cause the little girl or somebody else to get hurt.
The couple continue to cuss, even with the teens inquiring why they're being talked to in this manner. However, the teens make it a point to keep their cool throughout the confrontation despite the couple carrying on.
“You guys just made a big deal out of a ball going down the street,” one of the teens says.
“Out of what?" the man asks. "Not one ball. This is not a one-time deal." He adds that "the guy down there has cameras recording all of this.”
TikTok users are proud of the kids for keeping their cool and handling the situation like adults.
Truth be told, kids will be kids. It’s standard for kids in the neighborhood to play in their yards or driveways, and sometimes toys may end up on the street. It’s not a big deal. So, social media users are actually in one accord with their disgust for the couple cussing at the kids.
“The adults in this situation should be ashamed of themselves,” one person commented.
“How dare they talk to someone else’s children like that?" another person said.
Interestingly, Kellie (who shared the video) also wrote in her caption that she knows the woman in the video. In fact, Kellie wrote that she hopes the woman sees this video and "realizes how much of an a-- they both are.”
No matter which side you’re on, the adults should have addressed the parents or guardians of the children if they felt disrespected. Cussing at kids will never be OK.