Couple Flawlessly Recreates Iconic Movie Moments During Quarantine

Updated April 16 2020, 9:05 a.m. ET

What are you supposed to do when you are quarantined with your partner other than recreating classic movie scenes using everyday objects you have around your house? That's the exact question Fanni and Norbert asked themselves. The couple is holed up in their home in Pécs, Hungary, and they have been flawlessly executing iconic film scenes pretty much nonstop for the last week.
It's simultaneously impressive and adorable, which is why their efforts have gone totally viral.
Well, this has already melted my heart. Carl and Ellie from Up were cute, but Fanni and Norbi are my new favorite couple.
If you're lucky enough to have a whole bag of flour right now, you probably feel like a high-powered drug lord because that stuff is hard to come by. What I want to see is how they meticulously poured the flour back in the bag after taking this photo. I'm sure they didn't want to waste any of it.
Or maybe they used that flour to make bread dough, which they then kneaded in the style of that sexy pottery scene from Ghost. Franni and Norbert really go to great lengths to get the details right. Her shirt! His jeans! It's perfect.
'The Shining'
OK, this one made me laugh. That is a sausage, not what you were thinking it was. Get your mind out of the gutter.
'Raiders of the Lost Ark'
I don't know exactly what's in that golden box, but it has cake and other sweets on the outside, so I know that it is at least as valuable as the idol that Indiana Jones takes in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
'Brokeback Mountain'
Despite their lack of cowboy hats, this might be the most accurate one so far. I also kind of love the hats that they used. It's like Charlie Chaplin and Mrs. Dalloway meets Brokeback Mountain.
'Star Wars'
They totally nailed it. And the use of the immersion blender as the light saber is inspired. Immersion blenders are, after all, one of the kitchen's most magical tools.
This one is great, but I cannot take my eyes off of the little mustachioed man in the end of their spoon. I don't know if it's part of the spoon or what, but I cannot take my eyes off of him.
'Men in Black'
Men in Black was on TV the other say and I remarked to my husband that I believe that it is one of the most flawless films every made, just top to bottom a masterpiece. And this recreation brought joy to my soul.
'The Kid'
Franni's face in this recreation of the Charlie Chaplin classic is simply adorable. Finally, they have the perfect hats for the scene. Nailed it.
'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix'
Is it just me, or would Harry Potter have been way better if Harry had a beard the whole time? Just saying. It's a good look.
'The Shawshank Redemption'
They might not have a harmonica, but it looks like what they do have is a chocolate bar, and frankly, that's way better. I particularly love the touch of the magnets arranged like windows on the fridge in the background.
They went all out with this Commando recreation, which I appreciate, but they didn't have to brag about all the paper towels they have been able to procure in the process. That's unnecessary.
'Fight Club'
For Fight Club, they recreated the whole poster, credits and all! Norbert's face is too much to handle. His Ed Norton smirk is so good that it's a little concerning.
'Iron Man'
The tuna can, yarn, and ear bud combination constitute a flawless recreation of this scene from Iron Man. From an acting standpoint, this might be Franni and Norbert's greatest performance.
I never realized how...sexual...the posted for Rocky is, but yowza! There's a lot going on. And honestly, the cupcake oven mitt just kind of adds to the hotness of the whole thing.
'Love Actually'
The rough Google translation of Norbert's sign told me that it says, "Where? Where? #stayathome," which is very good advice during the quarantine. I hope they hung this sign in their window after this photo shoot!
'Wreck-It Ralph'
Franni makes such a cute Vanellope von Schweetz, and Norbert is a great Wreck-It Ralph! Even though these characters are animated, that didn't stop Franni and Norbert.
'The Silence of the Lambs'
I mean, it doesn't get more perfect, or more quarantine-appropriate, than this. Everybody wear a mask! Even if you're not a serial killer cannibal!
'Pulp Fiction'
Their attention to detail is incredible. They nailed Sam Jackson's facial hair, and even the mugs are the right colors.
'Forrest Gump'
To recreate the chain of the swing Forrest is sitting on is major. Franni even has the hoop earrings! I wonder how long each of these takes to put together. I have a feeling it's an all-day affair.
While confirming that this picture is from Junior, I got sucked into reading the plot of this movie, in which Arnold Schwarzenegger gets pregnant, and it took me a long time to come out of that daze. 1994. What a time to be alive.
'The Stationmaster Meets His Match'
This still comes from The Stationmaster Meets His Match, a Hungarian comedy from 1980, and I only know that thanks to Google Image Search. I don't know what's going on in this scene, but now I want to see this movie.
'Mean Girls'
This is perhaps the most disturbing one of them all. I love it. Follow Franni's Facebook page to get the latest updates. She has been posting a new batch of photos every other day for about a week now. I can only hope they're not stopping anytime soon because they seem to be getting weirder and weirder with each post, and it's the best.