Couple Tries Standing to "Save" Parking Spot, Break Woman's Window When She Parks There Anyway

Published Jan. 2 2024, 5:14 p.m. ET

If you're anything like yours truly, you're a fan of parking as far away as possible. Why settle for close parking when you can sneak in some bonus steps for the day? But hold on, it's not just about burning those extra calories — it's a strategic move to protect my car from potential dings and dodge any parking showdowns. I've witnessed some crazy parking lot battles, and trust me, it's not a sight for the faint of heart.
Speaking of parking lot battles, TikTok creator Davina Rae (@davinagates) recently spilled the tea on a wild incident where a couple went full Hulk mode and shattered her car's windshield because she dared to park in a spot they were "saving" for a friend. Wow — talk about next-level parking drama!
Keep scrolling for the full story, and read on to hear what social media has to say about this.

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A couple cracked someone's windshield because they were "saving" the parking spot for a friend.
In the viral video, posted on Nov. 5, 2023, Davina revealed that a man and his girlfriend "shattered" the windshield on her brand-new car. Their reason? They claimed they were "saving" a parking spot for a friend, but later admitted it was merely for amusement, expressing a spiteful intent of messing things up for others. OK, what the heck?!
Providing more details in the caption, Davina explained that she and her friends visited a bar in Echo Park. This couple decided to block a parking spot, reserving it for their friend who hadn't arrived yet. When Davina attempted to park in the spot, the woman refused to move. Consequently, her friends stepped out of the car to address the situation.
Davina said she and her friends politely asked the woman to move out of the space, but she responded with attitude. They explained that it wasn't fair to reserve a spot when they were ready to park. Despite their friendly approach, and after a few minutes passed without their "friend" showing up, a polite exchange escalated into this couple shattering Davina's windshield simply because she parked in the spot.
Davina's video garnered significant attention, amassing over 4,200 comments from many fellow TikTok users eager for updates. Fulfilling their curiosity, Davina shared a follow-up video on Nov. 6, 2023, and announced that she found the man who vandalized her car.
"We found the motherf-----. We found him! So, thank you to detectives on TikTok and a certain account that reached out. We have a possible ID on this man," she said. "We're not going to blast it on the internet until the detectives and police fully verify that this is him. But, you guys, [there] is like a 98 percent chance [this is the same man]. He has the same nerdy glasses, the same f----- up patchy beard, and the same disgusting haircut."
Davina's friend added, "We're leaving the police station right now. Honestly, what we need is the video of him doing it, which is why we're working with the police to get it. The damages are over $1,000. I think we got quoted $1,500 because it's a brand-new car, it's a new windshield, and they have to order the parts. It's a whole f------ thing. Yeah, so we're not giving up. And also, these motherf------ need to be — I need justice!"
Davina also expressed her determination to uncover the identity of the woman involved in the incident. She revealed having personal information, such as a photo of the man and his LinkedIn profile, before emphasizing her pursuit to hold the woman accountable, stating that she wouldn't escape consequences.
Davina and her friend ended the video by asserting they possessed substantial evidence linking the identified man to the incident. They argued that the act was not a coincidence, highlighting threats made during the confrontation. The girls asserted that no actual friend was waiting for the parking spot, suggesting that this couple intentionally targeted them. Davina and her friend ended the video by declaring they would find and confront the responsible individuals.
At the time of this writing, no further updates have been reported, but there is a collective hope that Davina gets the justice she rightfully deserves.