“Instead of Fixing Playgrounds...Delete Them” — Couple Shares What Military Housing Is Like

Published Jan. 5 2024, 9:44 a.m. ET

TikToker Marlana Knapp (@knappilyeverafter) uploaded a video featuring her and her partner where they comically call out all of the issues they have with military housing in a viral clip that's accrued over 4.6 million views on the popular social media platform.
"Hi, we live in Section 8 housing, I mean, military housing silly me!" Marlana's husband says at the top of the video while strolling outside in front of their home.
Then she hops on the camera and states: "Hi! We live in military housing, where we definitely don't have black mold. It's white now cause they just paint over it!" she says, laughing.
"Hi, we live in military housing, where we have to take personal safety into our own hands –" he then sees something off camera that gets him to stand up out of his chair, "SLOW THE F--- DOWN!" he yells at what seems to be an imaginary car barreling down the street.
"We live in military housing where instead of fixing the playgrounds, they just delete them," she says, pointing to an empty lot where, presumably, a playground set up once stood.
"We live in military housing, where we take pride in our community," he says while walking past a doggy doo-doo bag trash bin filled with baggies, trash, and other refuse to the point where it's overflowing.
Marlana records the next bit of her sarcastic gripes on what it's like living in a military housing complex in front of a glowing Christmas tree indoors: "Hey, we live in military housing where instead of simply Googling a question, we're gonna post anonymously a stupid question in our community Facebook group."

The next portion of the video shows Marlana's partner fidgeting with a closet door until finally getting it closed: "Hi, we live in military housing where we're provided only the top of the line living conditions."
Another stroll through the community shows Marlana ambling past another home front with Christmas deocrations: "We live in military housing where last month I got a discrepancy for having my son's tricycle on the porch, but 22 inflatables is fine!" she remarks, showing off the deluge of blown-up holiday fixtures.
"Military housing," the man in the video says while lifting up a bag of trash to toss into a bin while a trumpet sounds off. He drops the bag to the ground and then stands attention: "Evening colors," a text overlay in the video reads, along with a salute and US flag emoji.

Other TikTokers who saw Marlana's video chimed in with some military housing "features" of their own: "Hi, we live in military housing. The bed bugs come complimentary," one person wrote.
Another remarked: "We live in military housing- where broken ac is considered an emergency but we are gonna take a week to fix it in 105 weather"
Someone else penned a comment that might seem like a problem for some, but would get paranormal investigators excited about the prospect of living in military housing: "I lived in military housing there was definitely a ghost."
One TikToker wrote that judging from their own personal experiences that this seems to be a longstanding problem when it comes to housing provisions for members of the US military: "I lived in military housing in the 90’s and I can see nothing has changed!"

"We live in military housing don't worry about the lead paint it has been painted over every year since ww2," someone else wrote while another person joked: "Military housing, where they say “that’s mildew, not mold!” On the vents in your house and bathtubs!"

There was one person who addressed the elephant in the room as they quipped that one would think the living conditions in military housing would ultimately be better considering how much of tax payers' dollars are gobbled up by the military's budget.