Coworker Gets “Herself Fired” After Launching Crusade Against Employee’s Service Dog
"Got herself fired for engaging in gross misconduct."

Published Oct. 31 2024, 2:00 a.m. ET
Don't mess with someone's service dog. It might just cost you your job.
That's the message that came across from a Reddit user who posts under the username @No_Copy_237. In a viral post they uploaded to the popular social media platform, they explained how this discrimination got a coworker fired.
According to No Copy, a fellow employee seemed to have a problem with their pooch. And they kept incessantly trying to get their dog prohibited from the workplace.
Their dog, whom they refer to as Max in the post, has saved No Copy's life on numerous occasions. That's because No Copy has a heart condition. And for the first three months at their new place of employment, the Redditor stated that everything was going fine.

Until, however, the workplace "Karen" in question thought it would be a good idea to try and malign Max's name and get them ousted from the workplace.
It all started with the coworker calling No Copy's disability into question.
According to the Reddit user, their fellow employee stated that there wasn't any way they could be disabled because they looked much too young to have a disability.
They also constantly referred to No Copy's dog as a "pet" instead of a service animal.
"It started small. She'd loudly announce 'pets aren't allowed in the office' every time she saw us. I explained repeatedly that Max is a service dog, not a pet, and showed her his documentation. She then started telling everyone I was 'obviously faking' because I 'look too young to be disabled,'" No Copy wrote.

Next came the various tests that the Karen would try to catch Max on. Time and again, the coworker would drop food on the floor to see if the Redditor's dog would try and go after it. The dog wouldn't because, Max being a service animal and all, he was trained to simply ignore the delicious pup-bait morsels.
Additionally, she would run to human resources and complain about Max being present on the job. And then, in an attempt to try and further jam No Copy up, their coworker would spray air freshener around her desk and wear perfume. This, presumably was done as a means of overloading the dog's senses.
The Redditor didn't decide to take action, however, until their coworker purportedly went too far. According to No Copy, the irate employee went so far as to dox them online — they snapped a photo of them and Max at work and then posted their full name and place of work on the internet.

Once No Copy became aware of this, they took screenshots of their coworker's online posts and brought them to HR's attention. According to the Redditor, their company didn't take too kindly to this and ended up firing the woman "on the spot."
As a result, they started receiving a ton of hateful messages from the coworker's friends and family members. They blamed the Redditor for "getting a mother of three fired over a dog."
Furthermore, they said the Redditor should probably just work from home if they are really that I'll all of the time. Towards the end of the post, No Copy other members of the Reddit community if they were in the wrong for getting the woman fired.

Despite the fact that their coworker literally put their life in jeopardy by trying to get their dog banned from the workplace, they still felt bad that she was fired. They wrote: "Here's the thing — I actually feel horrible that she lost her job. Her kids aren't at fault here. But she literally put my life at risk with the perfume stunts, and doxxing me online was scary."
There were several folks who responded to their post stating that she shouldn't feel bad as their coworker was the one who pushed the issue. As one Redditor wrote: "She would do this to someone else if she hadn’t done it to you. It isn’t your fault she was fired, it’s her own. NTA.

Another person stated that it wasn't the Reddit user who got her fired, but that the company decided to fire the coworker after No Copy reported her for posting her private information online: "It's not your fault she was fired. HR fired her for things she did."
What do you think? Should the Redditor have slapped them with a cease and desist letter first, as one other person the platform recommended before going to HR? Or should the coworker have suffered the consequences, be what they may, because they decided to doggedly pursue the matter?