Guy Secretly Put LSD in Colleagues' Drinks to Diffuse "Negative Energy" at Work

Updated March 28 2021, 9:36 a.m. ET

A 19-year-old former car rental service employee is facing criminal charges for his "unique" approach to fostering a more open and positive work environment.
There are fewer things worse than working at a job you truly hate. It's where you spend the majority of your time, and every minute you're there is another minute spent feeling unhappy and realizing you're nowhere closer to reaching your personal aspirations.
Most people complain about their jobs but never do anything about it. But every so often, you come across someone who takes action to improve the situation. It doesn't always work, but you can feel them fighting for something that'll make them happy.
Perhaps that's what happened with this young man from Missouri who had enough of his toxic work environment at an Enterprise car rental. When you're constantly trying to up-sell tourists on insurance plans and calmly explaining the "hidden" charges and fees to their rental, along with price-gouging them on the cost of a loaner child seat, things can get kinda boring. Having to do all of that with coworkers you don't get along with only makes the job worse.
So he decided to give his colleagues a surprise to help brighten their moods. Usually, when I want to perform a nice gesture for my fellow employees, I bring them some sweets or maybe order a couple of pizzas or bring in some booze if we've got an after-work gathering planned.
But this unnamed teenager thought it'd be a great idea to sneak a bit of lysergic acid diethylamide acid into their water bottles and coffee.
More commonly known as LSD, the hallucinogen isn't something many people could take and just go about their day, even if they're simply "microdosing" to boost workplace performance. I don't know how many of you readers have experimented with this kind of stuff, but if you did, just imagine you've never taken it before, or you were unknowingly slipped some.
"Worry" would be an understatement. And if you were given anything more than the teensiest of doses, things would quickly get wall-meltingly weird.

Two of the three employees he ambushed with the stuff (that third one is a mensch) had to be rushed to the hospital because they experienced dizziness.
It probably looked weird to upper management that two employees were experiencing the same symptoms at the same exact time — and possibly freaking out hardcore — so they began questioning the workers.
This 19-year-old, bless his heart, fessed up to the fact that he spiked their drinks in an attempt to dispel the "negative energy" plaguing his workplace.
He was immediately arrested and jailed, but was subsequently released. He hasn't had any charges filed against him as of yet, though the offense carries potential charges for second-degree assault and possession of a controlled substance if authorities do decide to throw the book at him.
To literally no one's surprise, the young man's been relieved of his job at Enterprise, so he'll be looking for a new gig, presumably one that's cool with surprise drug trips. I hear the restaurant industry's good for that sort of thing.
There's been a lot of talk as of late about the powerful chemical compound's use by Silicon Valley employees who prefer to keep their minds "sharp" with incremental micro-doses of the substance. People have even written in-depth blogs about their personal experiments with the practice and have reported it not only increased productivity, but that it helped them have a more positive outlook on everything. This user reported that they couldn't stop smiling and that they perpetually felt just "right."
People are turning to other chemicals to alter their state of mind at work, like modafinil. While modafinil doesn't give users the same "happy high" feeling as lysergic acid, people have reported it makes them more focused on their tasks.
Apparently, psychedelics are also being used now to treat depression and there are studies suggesting it works.
Obviously, you always want to be careful when it comes to controlled substances, because you never know who's making them. Joe Rogan makes an excellent point on that here.