Drive-Thru Employee Complaining About Customer Who Paid in All Change Sparks Debate

Published June 12 2023, 11:43 a.m. ET

If you have a bit of social anxiety, paying at the checkout counter can be a pretty nerve-racking experience. You try to fish out your wallet and card as soon as possible, and if you're paying with cash, getting your money back into your wallet as you're also trying to grab your products without holding up the folks behind you is also very fun.
But there are clearly people, who don't have this issue, like a one person who decides to pay by check when you're in a rush, or folks who open up their coin purse and then count out every single unit on the counter in order to get rid of the loose change they have lying around.
And while legal tender is legal tender, and it's hard to fault anyone for wanting to hey the way that they want to pay, still can be kind of annoying when a transaction that could take just a few seconds ends up taking a few minutes.
And when you think about making purchases in the drive-thru, you assume that folks who are using this option, since they don't even have the time to get out of their car, are in a bit of a hurry.
However, that doesn't seem to be the case with this one woman who irked a drive-thru employee by handing her a bunch of quarters to pay for her order.
Twitter user @cutiepieniy even snapped pictures of herself during the transaction in plain sight of the customer. In a caption for the photos she shared in a now-viral post, she expresses that she isn't exactly happy to be counting out all of the quarters for the shopper's order.
In a follow-up tweet, she added that the customer "kept on going," insinuating that the images she shared were just a taste of the quarter madness she experienced in the drive-thru that day.
One commenter expressed that the transaction didn't seem all that bad because it was "all quarters," and OP responded with further details about the transaction, explaining why, on top of counting all the coins, it was inconvenient.
"1. there was more she was grabbing for it was all quarters, 2. her meal was 12 dollars so I had to count that, and 3 I get in trouble cause she’s sitting there"
She says that not only did she have to count out a $12 meal in coins, but she had to wait for the customer to dig through their belongings in order to get all of the change necessary to pay for her order. OP also states that she "get[s] in trouble" the longer a customer lingers in the drive-thru.
One commenter was shocked that OP would snap a photo right in the middle of the transaction to call out the customer: "you took a picture dead in they face wow"
To which OP responded: "bc they should be ashamed of themselves"
Someone else couldn't understand why OP would be upset, especially if she's making the same amount of money per hour regardless of how much time a customer takes.
"Do you not get paid the same amount an hour regardless? Why you in a rush anyway?" they wrote.
The total of the order ended up being $11.61, and the drive-thru worker said that by the time the customer was done paying for their things, she couldn't fit all of the coins in her hand.
Judging from some of the other replies to the tweet, there were people who have had to process even larger transactions with all change, like this one food service employee who handed a customer a $150 bill.
And if you're wondering, yes, they did pay the entire thing in change: "That’s nothing. One time at a 5-star restaurant I got paid $150 in CHANGE! Not just quarters."
As bad as it is, at least she wasn't the receptionist at a tow truck company who had to accept a person's payment in all pennies: 8,880 of them.