"People Are Miserable" — Crying Waitress Calls Out Party of 11 That Walked Out, Left Her With $3

Updated May 9 2023, 9:15 a.m. ET

Working in the restaurant business has almost always been a highly stressful prospect, one that's only been made worse since the COVID-19 pandemic. Seating customers in a timely fashion and ensuring that their requests are attended to in a timely fashion while serving up a variety of meals, to their liking has a lot of moving parts, and every role in ensuring a restaurant runs smoothly has its own kinds of stress to deal with.
Servers are in a uniquely difficult position because, for the most part, the entirety of their paycheck in many establishments is almost entirely based on gratuities. They're also the ones who interact with clients the most and are not only in charge of fielding questions about the menu and ensuring everything's copacetic at the table, but also processing payment.
And while it's illegal for restaurants to do so, there are some businesses that make employees cover the cost of a bill that a table walks out on.
Thankfully, for this TikToker that wasn't the case, but they were still shocked, frustrated, and upset nonetheless when a table of 11 came into the restaurant she worked at 4 am and then bailed when she went to go and get their check.
In the video, the server can be seen clearing a table and wiping away tears. The short clip includes a text overlay with a message to the customers for their behavior.

"to the party of 11 that came in at 4 am...said it was fine when I explained it was just me and the overnight cook...waited the 30 or so minutes for your food and enjoyed every bite..."

The overlay continues, and she explains that the $3 wasn't the tip, but the total amount they left on the table, including what they were supposed to pay for the bill.

"then left me $3 TOTAL...not tip, TOTAL, on a $220 bill and walked out when I was grabbing the check..."
She left additional words for the group in a caption for the now viral TikTok: "I hope you need the money more than I do. I hope you get home safe & you feel guilty & the girl in blue who wasn't part of the group and offered to stay and help has the best life."

She finished off her caption with a final message for the bill ditchers: "But you're mean and you weren't raised right."
TikTokers were shocked and outraged by the group's behavior. Some other folks who said that they worked overnight as a server mentioned that it's always a bad idea to say that it's just two people working, as more folks are encouraged to steal or walk out on their bills.

Others urged the waitress to get screengrabs of the restaurant's security cameras and plastering them all over social media in order to call out the folks who "weren't raised right."
Some thought it was imperative to get the police involved in the matter, as they did steal from the restaurant.

"If you have camera plaster them on Facebook I’m sure their family will eventually see and it’ll get back to them," one TikToker wrote.
"This happened to me once it was a 300 bill and left only 50 and dipped. We have cameras so we put pictures of them on the entrance—-"

According to a survery conducted by Eposnow 5% of people have admitted to walking out on a restaurant bill.