Sometimes, the Customer Is Actually Very, Very Wrong

Published Feb. 27 2021, 4:14 p.m. ET

If you've had the displeasure of working retail, then you've most probably come across a customer or two that made you question how some people were raised. Whether they think it's OK to unleash unholy verbal hell on you because their day isn't going well and they just really, really wanted a Popeye's chicken sandwich or the sneakers in a nine and a half because even though they're a nine they have to double-sock on account of their poor circulation.
Whatever reasons someone has for "having a bad day" there's really no excuse for taking it out on an employee who, more often than not, doesn't have the power or authority to fix whatever issue they have in the moment. Or maybe said customer really doesn't have any type of gripe whatsoever and really is just an awful person who's never been properly shut down in the past. Whatever the reason for their awful behavior, some people just don't know how to act.
Pretty sure there's a bathroom in the store.

Why do that?

Guess they didn't like the service.

There's no way that's real.

Isn't Buddha all forgiving?

So blame the slow cooks on the waiter, got it.

That poor, poor child.

His face in the last photo.

Go get fast food then.

Who, the heck, raised these folks?

They clearly don't fit.

Is this in an elementary school or something?

Ruining it for all the other kids.

She should press charges.

God's rent in heaven must be pretty pricey.

Is this a thing? Why the moat of ketchup?

Raising alcoholics right.

Kinda harsh but valid, it's your establishment.

Get a real salary.

It's the perfect crime.

Gratuity is a religion?

You're eating at a place called "Zombie Burger"; at least she wasn't wearing undead makeup.

Maybe they thought they were wheelchairs.

Because everybody wants a stranger's phone number instead of a tip.

How else are you going to know if it looks good on your fingers? Besides, it's clearance.

I didn't know Taz from 'Looney Tunes' wore slides.

Then don't go to a place with sit-down service.

You know the saying, all it takes is one bad lettuce.

All I needed were those buttons.

At least put some socks on.

It doesn't work like that...

What a disgusting mess.

It's great that they list the crimes there as well.

Have you ever done such a "bad job" as a waiter that you got booed?

Gotta test the merch.

"Every penny counts!" Hurr durr.

Sometimes you just need to throw a chicken at someone.

Again, who raised some of these people?

Seriously, how far is the nearest fridge?

Why'd they write it in crayon.

That's kind of funny ... but it's still a crime.

Ice cream theft is a serious crime.

"Oh so my money isn't good here? I see how it is."

Clean up a little bit of it at least, just leaving a bunch of napkins and bouncing isn't cool.

Taping the mango, brilliant play.

"Well they're just gonna clean it up anyway."

Hope that's pet hair.

For that extra flavor.