"People Like This Should Be Called Out" — Gas Station Customer Blasted for Cutting One-Way Line

Updated Oct. 24 2023, 8:36 a.m. ET

There are some basic social rules that everyone's expected to honor and follow even if there isn't necessarily a legal precedent for them. For example, when the doors open for an elevator, bus, or train, you're supposed to let anyone who is trying to leave get out first before you step through said doors and into whatever transportation box you've been waiting to enter.
And when one is going shopping, a decent human being is expected to return their cart. Or if you're inside the store and you take an item off of a shelf or a rack, an upstanding individual would return it to wherever they found it or at the very least, leave it at the register with a cashier.
If you're taking a phone call in public, maybe try not to speak loudly and put your phone/device on silent or vibrate and don't blast music or a phone call through your speakers, either.
And, of course, you're always supposed to respect lines. Don't be that person who cuts in front of them. Of course, there are always exceptions to these rules, especially if there's a line of cars.
If you're on a highway and are noticing a line of vehicles trying to take an exit, it might be better to just drive up and merge/cut into the line if traffic isn't too densely packed so that there isn't an excess of traffic building up behind you so folks can marge onto other parts of the highway, in some instances that's fine.
But what if there are lines of people waiting in the drive-thru, or, at a one-way gas station? Well, that's what happened to this TikToker.

User @jakehilts was waiting to get gasoline when they saw someone else pull up through a one-way exit to bypass the line of cars waiting for their turn at the pump.

Jake decided to confront the line cutter on camera and cuss them out, with the individual who cut the line, getting defensive and stating that there weren't any cars waiting in line when they went to get gas in the first place.

During the course of the video, the TikToker swings their camera around to show the long line of vehicles that were awaiting their turn to fuel up, making it hard to believe the line cutter in question.

The video has a persistent text overlay that reads: "Don't cut in line at a one-way gas station!"
Someone off-camera, presumably Jake who uploaded the video can be heard saying, "These dumba**es don't know how to go one way."
The accused line cutter replies, "Aite you need to chill the f*** out or get the f*** out of my face right now."

When the individual who's being recorded becomes more confrontational other customers who were waiting in line began shouting from their cars: "Can you not f***ing read?" one person can be heard saying off screen. After arguing with the other customers he says, "Sucks to suck" and then proceeds to go back to the pump.

Someone from the line-cutters car gets out of the back seat and yells at him to get back in the car, seemingly done with his behavior. The line cutter then proceeds to tell the person recording off before getting back in the passenger's seat while holding a carry-out container of what appears to be food.

They then begin to drive away as the TikToker follows and records their car. Users on the platform pointed out how "in the wrong" the young man was stating that even his friends were embarrassed.
But there were others who think that if the line cutter's claims of the pump being open for five minutes was true, then they had every right to jump the line as no one was using it.
How do you think this line cutter was handled?