63-Year-Old Man Seeks Fake ID to Join 65-Plus Rec Softball League

Published June 22 2023, 1:37 p.m. ET

As a young adult, usually when your parent asks if you know anything about fake IDs, it's because you've been busted for using one. However, TikTok user @xoxobrkgrlxoxo, aka BB, had a bit of a different experience and took to the app to share her hilarious and wholesome story.
"My dad turned to me last night at dinner," shared BB, "and said, 'Hey, do you know anyone that makes fake IDs?'" Well, if that's not a jarring way to start a conversation with a parent, I don't know what is.
"Is there any particular reason you're looking to have a fake ID made?" she asked her father, which is an extremely reasonable follow-up question. What use could a grown man have for a fake ID, if not something illicit — or, at the very least, shady? As it turns out, there is one reason.

"Long story short," continued BB, "the man is 63 years old, and he joined a 65-plus rec softball league because that's the one his friends are in." Aw! Cut the man some slack; he just wants to spend outdoor time with his pals.
Now, we know what you're thinking: How could the rec league possibly know that he's two years too young to join? Surely a 63-year-old and a 65-year-old don't look or behave that differently. Plus, according to BB's story, he already joined the league. What does he need the ID for?
Well, the league started to check licenses. Uh oh.
As one would imagine, the comment section of BB's video was full of users wishing him the best, and some even willing to help him out.
"This is the wholesome yet still nefarious content I'm here for," shared one commenter.
"I'll see if the guy who worked at Abercrombie and made mine in 1999 is still hustling," offered another.
However, one commenter was asking the real questions: "But what kind of drama is happening in the softball league that they have to verify ages? I have to know." While the comment was likely made in jest, it turns out that there *was* some drama happening.
According to an update that BB posted a month after the original video, her dad never actually ended up using a fake ID, and he was, indeed, kicked off the softball team. Say it ain't so!
"One of the teams in the league was snitching because apparently it's a widespread issue; like, a lot of teams have people that are playing under 65 [years old]," explained BB. "So, it was like this whole whistleblower thing ... They had to do an audit of all the rosters."

So, it seems like BB's dad wasn't the only youngin' flying under the radar. While it's definitely sad that he can't continue to play rec softball with his friends, some commenters understood the decision to remove him from the team.
"Probably some teams have younger, more fit people to win tournaments, ruining it for everyone else. Sorry about your dad!" posited one user. However, others thought the whole thing was a little silly.
"Seniors definitely have that much time to investigate," said one user. "Love the retirement drama."