"Whose Is This?" Asks a Husband About His Wife's Empty Stocking on Christmas Day — Then He Laughs It Off

Published Nov. 28 2023, 3:35 p.m. ET

Hope she forgets his birthday
Sorry to brag, but I am in a relationship with an extremely thoughtful person. My partner asks after my mother and dog when they are not feeling well and since I come from a house of sensitive women, that is often. When he sees things in the wild that make him think of me, like any fashion from the '90s, he snaps a photo and texts it to me. He is also an incredible gift giver and never fails to find something that really speaks to me.
Some people might argue that gifts are just an extension of capitalism, but I'm of the mind that it's another reminder that someone truly gets you. That's why I would probably leave any human who thought a hilarious scenario was forgetting to stuff my stocking on Christmas Day. Being selfish is a hoot and a holler! I would find this situation especially unacceptable if the dog's stocking was full. If you think that can't happen, have I got the TikTok for you.

The empty Christmas stocking has been happening for 10 years.
Aubree Jones, who goes by @whataboutaub on TikTok, probably thought she would get a lot of laughs out of the video she shared where her husband forgot to put anything in her Christmas stocking. Unfortunately for her, no one in the comments seems to find this very amusing.
The video begins with her husband panning around a lavish living room on Christmas Day. It's pretty clear this family is financially comfortable, so an empty stocking shouldn't be an issue. That actually makes this story all the more enraging. Imagine having the means to fill a room with presents and forgetting about your wife.
"Well girls, you got stuff filling your stockings," says Aubree's husband. He also takes the time to point out his own stocking has a few items sticking out of it. But wait, it gets more annoying!
The husband excitedly yells, "Golden got a stocking!" which has to be for a family pet. As someone who also gets their dog presents for Christmas and her birthday, I approve of this part. The next part, not so much.
He finally notices a stocking next to him and asks, "Whose is this?" It's empty. Honestly, this is a sign. This man noticed stockings that were several feet away before he clocked what was right by him. (Be right back. I'm calling my ninth grade English teacher so we can discuss this symbolism.)
One of the children can be heard saying that the deflated stocking is an "extra one." Since that would be pretty strange, the husband turns to Aubree and asks if it is in fact an extra one. The look on her face is equal parts sad and annoyed.
At this point, I'm wondering if it's is a staged video meant to go viral. People will do wild things, like claim they married their own twin brother, just to get some clout. TikTok has really warped some folks beyond help.
The reason why I suspect this whole thing might not be real is the fact that Aubree's husband has the nerve to ask why it's empty. I'm not giving him the benefit of the doubt; I just can't wrap my mind around someone being that terrible to their wife/mother of their children.

Where's the joke?
"Santa didn't come for me," says Aubree. She actually looks hurt by this exchange, which puts me back on Team This Really Happened. Text over the video pops up. It reads, "Your wife's stocking is your responsibility!" Imagine for a moment what else her husband has forgotten. Does he even know her birthday? I would be livid because there is no way this is the only time this man exhibits that type of behavior.
Two things make this video even more upsetting. One is that Aubree's husband can't stop giggling after his mistake is pointed out. Where is the apology? What would he do if she orchestrated a scenario in which he was the only one left out? I bet the giggling would stop then. The other bummer thing going on here is in the caption, Aubree says this has been happening for a decade. There is no excuse!
She needs to stop filling his stocking, and give him the boot. On a haunting note, her TikTok handle makes more sense now. What about Aub?