Daughter Surprises Dad With Same Chain He Once Pawned to Pay for Her Quinceanera

Published March 11 2023, 8:50 a.m. ET

Whenever you hear a story about a not so great parents, it's always tough to not get angry. While folks can't always predict what's going to happen in their lives like if they're going to get someone pregnant and have kids with them, or if they'll always be in a good enough financial situation to take care of their children as much as they would like, there's a special kind of hatred that's easy to have for someone who abandons their kids.
And then you've got parents who do the bare minimum and look like the walking dead when they're holding their kids' hands: just going through the motions and doing their duty. Sure, it's a heck of a lot better that they're at least present, but it doesn't exactly set the best example for their children about the joys of parenthood.
It's like: lighten up, you decided to have a kid you might as well play it to the highest level and give them a great childhood.
And then you've got parents who would do anything for their kids, even if they don't necessarily always have the cash on hand to throw them the party of their dreams or get them that super fancy holiday present they've had their eyes on all year.
That's the kind of father that TikToker Nancy Preciado (@nancy.preciado) has,
In a now-viral TikTok that has accumulated over 650,000 likes, she briefly tells the story of how her father pawned his gold chain in order to give her "the best quinceanera" when she turned 15 years old. Years later, Nancy decided to return the favor.

She surprised her father with a gold chain that was similar to the one he sold off for his daughter and she recorded his reaction. In the video, he's happy from the get-go that she was surprising him with a gift.

However, he didn't seem to catch on to what it was at first. When he finally opened the box, however, he became visibly emotional. He looks at his daughter, seemingly fighting back tears with a warm smile on his face.

"POV; ur dad pawned his gold necklace when u were 15 so he can throw u the best quinceanera and now ur 25 and finally hand enough $$ to buy him one similar"
She added in a caption for the video: "yes I cried love you to the moon and back dad"

TikTokers noticed several details about the video, like the fact that there were photos of a quinceanera hanging in the household, however, Nancy pointed out that the video was actually recorded in her cousin's house, not her own.
Another user said, "Mexican dads try so hard not to cry, like it’s okayyy"

One TikToker remarked, "Mexican dads will give you their last $1 without even a single question! My dads always been there when I needed him"

Overall, people thought it was an extremely wholesome moment: "my man's tried to hold back them tearrssss boiiiii lol .. this is what makes a man's life right here. appreciation. the sentiment from a father"

It also got some other TikTokers thinking about the sacrifices their parents made for them, like one commenter who mentioned that their mother pawned her Nikon camera in order to buy her a prom dress. The TikToker took watching the video as a sign that she should buy her mom a new one.