Dad Reports Suspicious Man at His Son's School, Then Realizes His Mistake

Updated May 3 2019, 3:34 p.m. ET

A father made a startling discovery when he thought he was being proactive about his son's safety.
When you become a parent, your world immediately becomes all about your children. There isn't a single thing you wouldn't do to protect them, and every single slight, or perceived attack becomes magnified in your mind and you can't help but take it seriously.
I've got two kids myself and I feel like I've got a bit of "dad-sense" ever since they were born. Although it's not as epic as some of the dad reflexes that are on display here, I have become more vigilant and protective of my loved ones with every year. Sometimes, it gets pretty bad, like if I see a kid running in my son's general direction in the park, I feel my ears perk up and I have the sudden urge to jump in front of my child and punt whoever's coming at him. I never do, but evolution is a weird beast for sure.
An instinct I would act on, without hesitation, is unleashing the ever-loving fury of every swarthy, working-class Eastern European in my family on a pervert creeping on my children. So I totally understand why this dad got so out of sorts when his twin 7-year-old boys told him about a creepy dude who kept staring at them from a van outside of their school.
He immediately called the school to let them know about the weirdo.

The school allayed his fears and the dad got to relax, sit back, and take comfort in the fact that he was looking out for his children's safety.
There was a slight problem, though: he forgot that he was contracted to perform some electrical repairs in the vicinity of his son's school. Being a maintenance man, he drives a maintenance van.
He then parked said maintenance van in the school's lot where he could eat his lunch in peace, enjoy some complimentary WiFi, and then wave to his sons while they travel to the cafeteria during their own lunch break.
It's a sweet gesture from a sweet man who just wanted to spend as much time with his children as possible.
You probably realized it already: the dad had no idea that he was the pervert his kids were talking about. Because he was in a work van and wearing sunglasses and a hat, his poor children had thought some creepy van-dweller was leering at them while they walked to lunch.
It's comforting to know the school made good on its promise to pursue the "pervert." But that's a comfort the dad probably felt some time after his van was surrounded by three cop cars ready to lay the smack down on a dude looking to toss some kids into the back.
Thankfully, the entire matter was resolved in a matter of 30 minutes, which probably felt like an eternity to the hapless dad at the center of the whole mess. After speaking with him and the principal, the police let him go.
He lost his lunch parking lot privileges, however, probably to avoid similar mistakes in the future. Should another creepster want to park his van there, at least the cops know it's not this dad.
As scary as the experience probably was, people couldn't help but laugh at the dad's situation.
Some people said "stupid" must run in the family, which is a harsh way of putting it, but I too found it kind of odd that his own children didn't recognize him in his work van. Maybe they just never saw his method of employee transportation?
But, as it turns out, other people encountered similar situations when they were children.
I remember when my dad shaved his mustache once... I was not a fan. I didn't call the cops on him, though.