This Dad Told His Kid About Rabies, Not Babies, Because His Daughter Got Her Words Mixed Up

Published Aug. 7 2023, 4:53 p.m. ET

Where do rabies come from?
Dad, where do rabies come from? That's basically what one man heard when his daughter asked if it hurt to have rabies. Here's the thing, it probably does hurt to have rabies, but his child meant to say babies. He then proceeded to give her a thoroughly honest answer about what rabies must feel like, and she toddled away from that conversation believing that's what birth was all about.
However, there is more to the story. This mixup wasn't discovered until his wife overheard their daughter telling her sibling something truly wild. Thankfully, mom had the presence of mind to record a TikTok where she asks her husband what happened. I have watched this several times. It's a dopamine-filled delight.

This is like a storyline on 'Seinfeld'
This is not where rabies come from.
When I think of rabies, and I never do, I think of wild animals our parents warned us about when we dared set foot into any sort of wooded area. They are filled with this disease that seemingly drives them crazy and honestly was probably the inspiration behind more than one zombie movie. I'll say this, it certainly doesn't seem funny — until now.
A couple who goes by @momchats and @dadchats on TikTok, were reduced to a crippling kind of laughter when mom asked dad about a chat she heard between their children. Kids are unintentionally hilarious, but this time, they had a little help.
"Why are you recording us eating cake," asks dad. "Because I have a question for you," mom says back. "Why did I overhear Riley telling Mason I was foaming at the mouth when I was having Bailey?" Naturally dad looks momentarily confused as he continues to eat cake.
Initially they're both laughing about a ridiculous question. It's the kind of goofy thing a kid would say and it's funny because it's odd. Mom heard his as she was putting everyone to bed and needed to know where it came from. Suddenly things click for dad.
Looking at the TikTok as mom repeats what their 4 year-old said, you can see the moment where things fall into place for dad. His laughter goes from a "oh, kids," kind of giggle to an outright guffaw. He's cackling so hard, there is no sound.
Have you ever lost it so bad that you no longer knew what to do with parts of your body? Well, dad is now waving his hands back and forth. The joy has to go somewhere!
Again their daughter said, "Moms foam at the mouth when having babies,"' says said mom. "I need to understand why they think I was foaming at the mouth." Dad is now standing because this comedy cannot be contained by a chair or a slice of cake. It's simply too much.

Not even cake could contain the laughter!
He finally utters one word: rabies. "You told them I had rabies?" mom fires back. That's not what happened at all. One time someone said the word suitcase but I heard suit goose, and I now own a t-shirt with a goose on it, wearing a suit, carrying a suitcase. What's great about these sorts of mistakes is that they can really balloon out into a very long joke.
"I thought she said rabies," replied dad, bent over the chair. After returning to his seat, he story unfolds. Evidently their daughter asked, "Does it hurt when you have rabies." Now everyone has caught the chuckle bug (which is not where rabies come from). No one is safe from these giggles. "I thought she asked about rabies," he explained. "I told her basically that it really, really hurts." Moms may not foam at the mouth when they have babies, but it does really really hurt. So, the exchange wasn't entirely wrong.