TikTok Mom Explains What Daddy Privilege Is and How Unfair It Is for Mothers

Published Nov. 23 2021, 2:56 p.m. ET
Let's be real. Double standards exist and more often than not, men are praised for things and women are not. Not only does this happen in the media with how stories are framed around particular celebrities, but it happens in everyday situations.
One mom took to TikTok to discuss a special type of double standard that exists in parenting known as daddy privilege. Keep scrolling to find out what daddy privilege is and why it needs to stop.

TikTok mom discusses how her husband was praised for running an errand with their son in tow.
Male privilege is not a new phenomenon, especially in regards to parenting. Take the case of this father, who penned an essay for The Washington Post about the heroic praise he received while acting as a stay-at-home dad when his wife went back to work. This type of treatment, which favors dads, has always existed. It just never had an exact name, until now.
Mom and bakery owner Chloe Sexton, known as @chloebluffcakes on TikTok, discusses what she calls daddy privilege.
In her now-viral video, which she filmed while caring for her son Theodore, she details a recent instance in which her husband took over her duties for a day and was treated like a hero.
For background, Chloe explains that she runs her own bakery. "I have a business. My husband has a job. Could not make that any clearer, right," she states.
One requirement of her job involves going to Restaraunt Depot to buy large quantities of ingredients. "You've seen me do videos of it before where I'm, like, wearing him (Theodore) or was massively pregnant buying 400 pounds of flour and 100 pounds of butter, and that's a weekly thing. The list goes on and on, like — it's a lot," she says.
But one week, her husband was off from work and decided to go to Restaraunt Depot for her while caring for their son. "When I tell you, the way that this man was treated like a hero — A HERO. Mind you, those same people see me there every single week," she exclaimed.
Chloe continued, "I'm strapped up with a baby or seven months pregnant, hauling 100-pound bags at a time of flour in the back of my Subaru. Meanwhile, I'm getting a whole lotta ... nothing to see here. Just a woman doing woman things, busting her a--.
But my husband, my husband wears the baby and he goes to Restaurant Depot for mommy's business and it's, 'Oh my god, look at you! Oh my god, you work so hard.' He [my husband] said, 'Honestly, it was a little bit embarrassing,'" she revealed.
As Chloe ends her video, she says, "He's literally not a hero. He's just a father, just a parent, doing the same s--t I do every week."
Users took to the comments — and from the looks of it — everyone agreed that daddy privilege was very real. "The bar is literally on the ground for fathers. It's so sad," one user wrote. Another user shared a similar experience: "My husband was in an aisle alone our twins and was praised by five people. I shop alone weekly and it's crickets," she said.
Even dads confirmed the existence of daddy privilege. "This is actually one of those things that annoys me as a dad, when we're treated as heroes for simply taking care of our kids," he claimed.

So, if moms are sick and tired of daddy privilege and dads find it annoying, why do we do it? From now on, let's make sure to give moms an extra pat on the back for all they do and stop giving dads special attention when they're out alone with their kids.
Also, if you're in the Memphis, Tenn. area, check out Chloe's bakery, BluffCakes.