Getting the Dark Drinker Sword in 'Destiny' Is Harder Than You Think

Updated June 10 2020, 11:37 a.m. ET

Fans of the first-person shooter game Destiny 2 know that one of the most exciting aspects of the game is the different weapons you can buy, turning your character into a mean fighting machine.
And while there are plenty of guns you can use in the game, arguably the cooler weapons are the swords. There are a few exotic swords you can get in the game, but some of the best ones come from the DLCs you can buy.
But one of the most-coveted swords from the series' first installment, the Dark Drinker, has yet to be added to the game. Will the Dark Drinker be added to Destiny 2?

Will the Dark Drinker be added to 'Destiny 2'?
There's been some speculation that the Dark Drinker will be added to Destiny 2 in the form of a DLC, and while nothing has been confirmed yet, there are talks of the game being added in a DLC.
According to GamesRadar, there's was a chance the Penumbra DLC would add the Dark Drinker sword, as well as the Hawkmoon hand cannon and the Rose hand cannon. A Reddit post revealed these potential leaks in early 2019, though noted it could change.
At this time, the sword is still unavailable in Destiny 2.
The Dark Drinker is currently only found in 'Destiny.'
At this time, the Dark Drinker is only available in the first Destiny game. Getting the Dark Drinker sword isn’t as easy as some would hope it would be, and you’ll have to spend a few hours on the game before you can even unlock the quest to access the sword.
If you’re looking to get your hands on the elusive Dark Drinker sword, you’ll have to shell out the money for the game’s The Taken King DLC expansion pass. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to participate in the storyline in The Taken King DLC if you don’t have the two preceding ones, The Dark Below and House of Wolves, so make sure you’ve purchased and completed those first.

Once you complete those DLCs, you’ll have to complete the main storyline in The Taken King before you can unlock the quest that will grant you your first legendary sword. This is required, as you’ll need the legendary sword to upgrade it to the exotic weapon.
Once you've obtained the legendary sword, you’ll have to upgrade it until it’s infused with a Light level above 280. This may take some time, so be patient as you gather the materials to continuously upgrade your sword. The easiest way to achieve a Light level above 280 is by infusing the legendary sword with any of your higher-level heavy weapons, so it’s best not to use them all before you reach this point.
You can then unlock the quest to obtain your Dark Drinker.
The Exotic Quest can then be unlocked by talking to Lord Shaxx. He will then give you a couple of different quests to complete before you can upgrade your sword. Your first objective will involve killing 50 major or ultra enemies as well as 25 Guardians in the Crucible, and your second objective will require you to kill Ecthar, Sword of Oryx.
Once that’s completed, you’ll then have to pick which element you want your exotic sword to be infused with, and you’ll have to take the time to collect the material, which will take a while. If you want the Dark Drinker, you’ll have to infuse it with void.
You will have to collect the materials from battle as opposed to dismantling other weapons to obtain them, so this step will also require massive patience.
The last step in this process involves killing the warden of whatever material you’ve chosen your blade to be infused with. Only then will you be rewarded with the Dark Drinker.
If you made the decision to infuse your exotic sword with a different element, you’ll receive a sword different from the Dark Drinker — either the Raze Lighter or Bolt Caster.