30 Daylight Saving Time Memes That Are Terribly Relatable
Updated March 10 2023, 3:01 p.m. ET

It's my most dreaded time of the year again, the time we arbitrarily set our clocks forward until the calendars decide it's time to change it all back sometime in the fall.
I hardly want to even get into how much money America loses by engaging in this ridiculously outdated practice, which was supposedly invented to save energy — but whatever. The only desire I've really got is to move out to Arizona or Hawaii, states that don't turn back their clocks, and come back home only once we have normal nighttime hours again.
Luckily for me, I'm very much not alone in this sentiment (thanks, internet!). Whether you're on my side, or inexplicably can't wait to shorten your hours of daylight, scroll along for 30 Daylight Saving Time (it's "saving" not "savings") memes that are terribly relatable.

1. Whoops.
This would have been literally me, who learned just last year that it's "saving" not "savings," because we aren't talking about your bank account. But the virtuous thing would have been simply not to say anything. Alas, I am not noble enough to keep my mouth shut.
2. Because having it be dark at 4 p.m. isn't natural, no matter how long you do it for.
Am I right, or have you guys discovered a way?
3. Some of you DO push it too far, though.
Listen, I have all the compassion in the world for (IMHO) sufferers of this unethical practice who are left with seasonal depression and who knows what other hardships as a result of Daylight Saving Time. But don't be a jerk about it, either.
4. Two becomes one, indeed
The Spice Girls definitely know what's up. But for some reason, they don't seem to be fazed about it one bit. (Although technically, this time around we're skipping ahead an hour.)
5. That would make it so much cooler than what it is...
I guess reality is all a question of perception, anyway.
6. My man, my hero.
Famous last words right here.
7. Some of us need to plaster this away message for the next several months.
I apologize profusely in advance.
8. Sorry, parents :(
Wow, as bad as Daylight Saving Time is for the general population, hats off if you have to deal with children.
9. Trippy!
Don't you think?
10. This is exactly what I'm saying.
Though I recently learned that Daylight Saving Time actually doesn't help farmers out at all, it still seems fair to blame them (or anyone, really) for this unfair mess.
11. Tough question!
Feel like I've hammered this one over your heads a few times already, so you can school all your friends who will want to add an "s" this weekend. (R.I.P. to HQ Trivia.)
12. I see your hand, and I'll raise you two.
Very me, hello. Join my club.
13. Again, how do parents do it?!
I will not preface this by saying it was absolutely 100 percent your decision to procreate, but thank you for doing God's work and dealing with the day-to-day that comes with it.
14. Respect.
I wish I had been a fly on the wall for this conversation.
15. Happy Sunday!
I'm sorry, I don't know what to tell you either.
16. This is a mood.
Perfectly and horribly encapsulated in the spirit of song. "Time is slipping away from meeeeeeeee!"
17. Same.
OK, am I currently part of the problem? Maybe. But I think we should blame Daylight Saving Time itself, if I'm honest.
18. This sounds a lot like an ancient curse.
It could be that the person who invented Daylight Saving Time is just the ultimate goth.
(Also, they totally forgot to mention that you lose an hour in the spring.)
19. But ... how?
How would "nature"... just... I'm still trying to fathom how it would be a natural occurrence...?
20. A technicality, Bette...
The Grammy-winning queen does have a point.
21. The anguish.
The pain. The agony. I have to say, no one did melodrama like these old-timey black and white flicks.
22. Sound advice.
It's a rare occurrence too, I heard it only happens, like, twice a year.
23. You might think that's an exaggeration.
But I'm more of a lunch at 4:30 p.m. and dinner at 11 p.m. kind of guy.
24. Illuminati confirmed.
This is one tin-foil hat conspiracy that I can get behind.
25. So on point.
No written and performed work of art more accurately encapsulates our frustrations with Daylight Saving Time.
26. We are all desperate for more vitamin D.
The look on this smiley pup's face says it all. It's time to soak in the glorious rays.
27. I have never seen an uplifting 'BoJack Horseman' meme.
While springing forward aids those with seasonal depression, those with regular old clinical depression are left with dark clouds above their heads. Hang in there.
28. Let the chaos begin!
Nothing boosts Twitter morale like a celebratory blurry stick figure meme.
29. Losing an hour of sleep is criminal.
Yes, I'll take a giant bucket of coffee, please. Hold the cream. And yes, I can handle the inevitable java jitters.
30. There's a what in my where?
I'll leave you with this purely educational Today moment. Thank you for the giggles, Dr. Carol Ash.