Delivery Driver on TikTok Gets Almost $500 Worth of Free Groceries After Receiving "Cold Order Violation"

Published March 7 2023, 3:39 p.m. ET
Being a delivery driver is no walk in the park. From dealing with rude customers to scrawny tips, there is a lot to be wary of. But every now and then, there are some unexpected surprises that make the job worthwhile. For example, sometimes customers will generously leave out snacks and drinks for their delivery driver.
Another perk is when an order is canceled after the shopper has already completed it. TikTok creator and grocery delivery shopper @belindamayy shares how she hit the jackpot after a customer changed their mind about their order.

A delivery driver on TikTok showed off a nearly $500 grocery haul she got for free.
@Belindamayy shared a video on TikTok in which she showed off a large grocery order at Walmart worth $499 that she had just gotten for free. As she explained, the customer had canceled the order, which resulted in her (the shopper) being allowed to keep all the groceries.
The app @Belindamayy picked this gig up on is named Spark, which was created by Walmart and allows users to make money through shopping for others and/or making deliveries.
Feeling extremely grateful, @Belindamayy does a rundown of all the items she had just come into. This haul included a plethora of snacks, frozen meals, meats, fruits, vegetables, desserts, and more. In fact, there were so many items in this mammoth grocery order that she had to make a second video to continue listing the items.
The best part of all? @Belindamayy received her $50 base pay through Spark in addition to getting to keep the groceries.
In the comment section, some users extended their happiness for @Belindamayy. Meanwhile, others tried to take a guess at who placed such a substantive order. "This was definitely for a daycare," inferred one user. Another opined it was for a family.
Another comment suggested that the Spark customer canceled on purpose so @Belindamayy would get to keep the food. This prompted her to do a little investigating into how and why she got all these groceries for free. She decided to call Spark to learn more about why the order was canceled.

The delivery driver found out she received a "cold order violation" — what does that mean?
"The reason this order was canceled was unfortunately because it was a cold order violation," she explained in the video. "Apparently I had cold items in the cart for too long."
Given how substantial and time-consuming the order was, it seemed almost unfair that @Belindamayy would be penalized for taking too long to shop.
Users in the comment section agreed.

@Belindamayy also learned that she got the groceries for free due to an alleged glitch on the app. Normally, she would have to return them.
Regardless, we're glad she earned a freebie for her hard work. She was over the moon about it. Plus, she even mentioned doing a food giveaway in her area so others could reap the benefits of her bounty.