Is Your Dentist Gentle? This Balloon-Popping Dentist Test Sparks Shock and Amusement

Published Oct. 11 2023, 11:38 a.m. ET
When a Ukrainian dental office in Khmelnytskyi shared their dental injection test on TikTok, the rest of us got a little worried about where we get our teeth cleaned. They shared a video with the caption, “We checked whether our doctors and nurses are easy on the hand” (translated by Google). And now we’re worried that our very own dentists are not as gentle as we’d hope!
The video quickly went viral on Twitter, with people sharing their thoughts about who they’d want to be their dentist …. Unfortunately, not every dentist who works at this office seems like we’d want them messing around with our teeth and gums.
A dentist's office shares a video of their dentists performing a dental injection test with a balloon.
The Dovira Dental office in Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine, shows us their dental injection test in a TikTok video — it’s the classic needle in the balloon trick. Basically, different dentists in their office all try to inject a balloon with a needle without popping the balloon.
Out of eight dentists, only four were able to successfully inject the balloon. One out of two dentists failing is not too promising.
Luckily, the “needle through the balloon” trick is not any indication of how experienced or skilled a dentist is at injecting a needle into someone’s tooth or gum. Even still, it’s fun to watch! And it’s fun to mock the different dentists as they try to perform a well-known magic trick.
The woman in pink made waves as she patiently injected and removed the needle from the balloon with ease. “I’d trust her with my life,” some said. Others said the smile on her face proved, “She knew from the very beginning she was gonna pass.” She’s definitely our first choice of dentist.
Another tweeted, “Keep the girl in all white away from anything sharp and pointy. Matter of fact, just keep her at the reception desk, since she can’t seem to defeat her intrusive thoughts.” This might sound harsh, but the woman in white violently poked the balloon. We agree! I don’t want her anywhere near my mouth, let alone inside of it.
Others likened the dentists to practiced serial killers. This is a fair enough comparison. In Little Shop of Horrors, the evil dentist became a dentist because he loves hurting people. “The way the guy in the green shirt did it was kinda … [embarrassed emoji],” one wrote. Others described his action, “Pulled the Dexter style ‘I know this like the palm of my hand’ move.”
But the reality of the situation is that some dentists are more gentle than others. “Now it makes sense why it doesn’t hurt with [some] but it does with others,” someone said.
Another said, “When you know your body and tell them exactly what arm to draw from and they don’t listen and proceed to stick you multiple times in your other arm.”
We’ve all had that experience, so when it comes down to it, all this injection test does is remind us that we need to be vocal with our doctors and dentists. And hopefully, they’re willing to listen … and not pop our mouths like balloons.