Karen Jumps in Front of Dirt Bike Rider, Refuses to Let Him Leave While She Calls Police

Published May 2 2023, 9:52 a.m. ET

We're taught from a pretty young age in elementary school that no one likes a tattle tale. Heck, even most of our teachers will tell us to stop being little rat snitches who go off and expose every little thing that our classmates are doing just in the hopes of getting someone else in trouble.
Obviously, making the decision to tell on someone should be situational. Let's bring it back to school: if your daredevil best friend is planning on emulating the Hardy Boyz and performing a Swanton Bomb off the slide, then you should probably let an adult know to prevent him from cracking his head open on the ground or snapping his neck back like a Pez-Dispenser.
But if he's sneaking a peek at his Goosebumps book underneath the desk during math class, reading all about Monster's Blood instead of practicing his multiplication tables, that is probably not the time to be a snitch.
Unfortunately, it appears that there are adults who've never learned the difference between the right and wrong times to be a tattle tale.
And unfortunately for this TikToker, they came across one such woman, a Bike Karen if you will, who stopped them in the middle of one of their rides.
In the clip, the woman can be seen holding onto the "motorized bike" of the rider, preventing him from moving forward. She can be seen gripping the handle bars of his bike in the video.
She says, "Why you riding your bike in a...non-motorized bike in a place where you cannot ride your bike? Just answer my question," the woman demands.
"I don't have to answer any questions from you," the TikToker replies.
The woman, who is on the phone responds, "It's the main trail right off of Flint Ridge," the Karen says on the phone to someone on the other line, who is presumably a law enforcement officer.

He then asks the woman if they can walk to the end of the trail to speak with the cop or park ranger, but she says she doesn't want to do that because she fears he's going to run away.
He the informs the woman that he doesn't "need to run away" as she already has his plates and picture of him and also tells her that she's "crazy."
"I don't do things illegally buddy by riding your bike, motorized bike in a non-bike area."

The TikToker finds the situation humorous and begins laughing at her when she says this, "Oh yeah?"
She tells the person on the other line that "he thinks it's funny that he's..." then the video cuts out.
In a follow-up video he uploads the initial part of the interaction after she "jumps" in front of his bike to call the cops, the two shout at each other in the interaction where they call one another "crazy."
In another video, she can be seen giving a description of the rider to authorities on the phone, he interjects giving some own descriptors of his own, adding that he's "tall" and "handsome...very handsome."
"Beautiful...beautiful creature," the man says after she calls him "ugly" on the phone. "I think he's kind of white...I don't know," she adds.
"Ohoo that's a compliment," the TikToker responds.
"I told him for the last 45 minutes he cannot ride his bike in here," she says in another part of the video, and the bike rider retorts that he's trying to leave but she won't let him.
The final video doesn't include a resolution, but it's hard to imagine any disciplinary action was taken against the man as she mentions he's around 15 years old in the video and he's riding the bike off-road in the woods.
One TikToker mentioned that in this situation, the "Karen" in question would more than likely be the one in trouble because if he was a minor, she was holding him against his will in that situation as it's unclear as to whether or not she did anything wrong.
Others wondered why he stopped for her at all and that he should've just pushed her away and driven off.
"Even her dog is embarrassed," one commenter said.
So what ultimately happened? In the comments section, the rider responded to one user, saying that he simply started up his bike and rode away after recording some "funny vids."