Jack Black Accidentally Creates A Better Version of the Distracted Boyfriend Meme

Updated Feb. 28 2019, 3:57 p.m. ET

I remember back when memes were shared exclusively by the degenerates of the internet. Whether it's the memes or human degeneracy that has seeped out into the mainstream first, the fact remains that memes are now tied to pop culture, and while there are thousands of formats that pop up every year, a handful of them make it to legendary status which really means that the chances of your parents not only sending you one but possibly making one of their own are dangerously high.
In modern times, arguably the most recognizable meme is the Distracted Boyfriend meme, which portrays a man walking with his (possibly former) significant other and shamelessly craning his neck to the side and gawking at another woman as she walks past them in public and broad daylight, a seen pretty uncommon outside of Hoboken, NJ for most.
The format inspired memes across every niche, political event, and culturally relevant current events for months, and still continues to do so today, albeit sparingly.
Just when you thought the meme format was going to go stale, people began parodying it by staging their own versions of it, and it continues to be a popular trend within certain groups, the most notable being cosplayers.
It's a lot of fun for sure, but there's a chance that the meme, or at the very least the spirit of the meme, may have just caught a second wind thanks to Jack Black and this scene while taking some video for his YouTube channel.
That's all it took.
Once a reasonably clear screenshot was made available to the masses, people started churning them out in rapid succession.
It even got a little meta here.
Not everyone knows who the one-half of Tenacious D rock star and movie star is, and others only know him from his newly launched YouTube channel that has already amassed nearly 4 million followers since the first video he posted to it announcing he was going to start making YouTube videos roughly one month ago.
But long-time fans used the new format to make Tenacious D specific memes, which all true fans appreciated. Being that they started back in 1994, you should start seeing the older fan base post and repost them regularly soon enough.
And his YouTube channel even got a little fan service from the screenshot.
What a time to be alive.