Will Chris and Street Ever Get Together on 'S.W.A.T.'?

Published May 19 2021, 4:40 p.m. ET

Fans have been rooting for Christina "Chris" Alonso (Lina Esco) and James "Jim" Street (Alex Russell) to finally admit their feelings for each other since they first kissed in Season 2 of S.W.A.T.
However, two seasons later, it looks like it is finally going to happen.
During Season 4, Episode 14, Chris confronted Street's mom, Karen (Sherilyn Fenn), who struggles with drug addiction, about asking her son to be a living donor, something that would cost him his spot on S.W.A.T.
And Street's mom said what everyone was thinking, telling Chris, "You must really love my Jimmy."
So, are Chris and Street finally going to get together?
In case you need a recap, Chris and Street first kissed during the Season 2 episode titled, "Rocket Fuel." At the time, Chris blamed it on alcohol and told Street that they were just teammates and nothing more.
Fast forward to Season 3, Episode 17, and the moment came up again, this time as Street was dating his girlfriend at the time, Molly Hicks (Laura James), the daughter of LAPD S.W.A.T. Commander Robert Hicks (Patrick St. Esprit).
Again, Chris told Street that she didn't think it was a good idea for him to ask about her love life, and she wanted him to be happy in his new relationship.
However, Street broke up with Molly and told her he doesn't love her the way she deserves.
Now, Street is dealing with his sick mom, who, despite her illness, can see that Chris is definitely in love with her son — even if she continues to deny it.
Chris goes behind Street's back to confront his mom about asking Street to be a living donor, which would take months of recovery and possibly cost him his job.
Street is definitely not too happy with Chris and confronts her during Season 4's "Whistleblower" episode — and fans are hoping this is what it will take for both of them to finally admit their feelings for each other.

'S.W.A.T.' showrunner Aaron Rahsaan has teased Chris and Street's "relationship."
In an interview with TVLine, Aaron revealed that Season 4 would be emotional for Chris.
"Through the course of the season, we’re going to take Chris through an emotional kind of whirlwind that’s going to test her in a way that she hasn’t been tested before — and certainly, her and Street’s friendship will be affected by that," he shared.
And fans are convinced Chris and Street will get together sooner rather than later.
"Chris and Street. Y’all belong to each other. I love the way y’all protect each other and look out for each other," one fan tweeted. Another agreed, adding, "Chris and Street need to just hook up. They make a cute couple."
A third chimed in, "Chris and Street need to give it up already they're so into each other." We couldn't agree more.
So will Chris and Street finally happen during Season 4? We'll just have to wait and see! Watch S.W.A.T. Wednesdays at 10 p.m. EST on CBS.