'Nancy Drew' Keeps Teasing a Romance for This Dynamic Duo — but Will It Happen? (SPOILERS)
Updated June 3 2021, 10:55 a.m. ET

Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for the Nancy Drew Season 2 finale.
The CW's supernatural crime drama Nancy Drew is the gift that keeps on giving. The "Drew Crew" has experienced hauntings, exorcisms, breakups, and makeups. They've uncovered decades-old murders and persuaded an ancient sea spirit not to set her wrath upon them.
Throughout the first and second season, one of the biggest questions viewers had was: Do Nancy and Ace get together?
Read on to find out everything we know about the Drew Crew's complex relationship history and Nancy and Ace's future!

Nancy and Ace have both dated other characters on the show, but will they end up together?
As fans of the Nancy Drew books will know that the most prominent romantic relationship is between Nancy and Ned Nickerson (Tunji Kasim). On the show, Ned and Nancy (Ned is referred to as "Nick" on the show) do have a relationship, but their relationship fades to allow for Nick and George to blossom romantically.
Also in the show, Ace develops a crush on Bess, who confesses she does not see him romantically, and the two agree to be platonic emotional anchors instead.

As the seasons have continued, Ace's character has evolved from a mysterious character on the fringes to one of the most trustworthy members of the group. He and Nancy have gone on several missions — just the two of them — and have been each other's confidant when times are tough.
This hidden attraction came to a head with the reveal that Nancy broke up with Gil Bobbsey (Praneet Akilla) while Ace has remained with Gil's sister Amanda (Aadila Dosani).

In the Nancy Drew Season 2 finale, Nancy has been fighting off a wraith that attached itself to her being and has been slowly absorbing her life force. She and the Drew Crew find a device that allows her to confront her drama, but during that confrontation, she also experiences a conversation (and almost kiss!) with Ace in the dreamscape, finally realizing her feelings for him.
Sadly, when the storm has passed and Nancy works up the nerve to tell him, Ace's mother informs her he left town with his girlfriend.
Theories about Ace's family might be the key to him and Nancy getting together.
In addition to Ned Nickerson, one of the most popular of Nancy Drew's romantic relationships includes her flirtation and relationship with Frank Hardy, one of the famous Hardy Boys (those mystery solving brothers). In the Nancy Drew television show, all of the other characters except Ace have surnames, leading many fans to believe that Ace is secretly a Hardy boy.

Following the theory that Ace is secretly a Hardy in disguise, it would make sense for him and Nancy to enter a romantic relationship as they have in previous Nancy Drew/Hardy Boy mystery books, video games, and television shows.
He recently connected with his half-brother, Grant, on the show, making a compelling argument for the Hardy Boys to make an appearance. After all, there have to be two of them!
It seems like the show's third season will have a lot of emotional turmoil to contend with, especially since Ace is off on a romantic road trip with someone else. As Ace heads off on his journey, he does feel as though he "left something behind," implying Nancy's feelings could be reciprocated. We'll have to wait and see!
Nancy Drew airs on the CW on Wednesdays at 9 p.m.