'Diablo IV' Requires an Internet Connection – but Do You Need PlayStation Plus?

Published March 21 2023, 2:46 p.m. ET

It’s hard to believe, but Diablo III launched more than a decade ago. Blizzard is finally ready to return to the bleak world of Sanctuary, however, with Diablo IV arriving this summer. And while fans are thrilled to be diving back into the chaos, its always-online requirement has players wondering if you need PlayStation Plus to play Diablo IV.
Thankfully, Blizzard has already revealed a few details about its always-online aspirations. Here’s what we know about Diablo IV and whether PlayStation Plus is required.

Do you need PlayStation Plus to play 'Diablo IV'?
At the moment, it’s a bit unclear if you’ll need PlayStation Plus to play Diablo IV. The recent beta period did not require a PlayStation Plus subscription, and the same holds true for the next open beta on March 24. Unfortunately, things become murky when discussing the full Diablo IV release in June.
According to an official blog post on Battle.net, you’ll need a PlayStation Plus subscription to access some of the game’s multiplayer features. Blizzard doesn’t elaborate further on what these “features” are, although it’s possible you’ll be able to play the game without a subscription – you simply won’t be able to join other parties or engage in cooperative play.
To make matters more complicated, the official listing on the PlayStation Store states PS Plus is required for online play. And since Diablo IV is an always-online game, this seems to indicate a subscription is mandatory. For now, it sounds like PlayStation Plus will be required to play Diablo IV. Expect Blizzard to elaborate on the details as we approach Diablo IV's launch date.
Everything you need to know about the 'Diablo IV' beta.
As mentioned above, you won’t need a PS Plus subscription to check out the Diablo IV beta on March 24. The Diablo IV open beta will run from March 24 to March 26 and will be open to all players. This will give you a first-hand look at the beginning hours of the game, with the entire Prologue and Act 1 playable.
Fractured Peaks is the region you’ll be exploring, although you’ll be capped at level 25 and only three classes will be available (Rogue, Sorcerer, and Barbarian). Regardless, that should be more than enough time to decide if you enjoy the direction Diablo IV is headed. There are also exclusive rewards you can unlock by playing the beta, including a cosmetic item and unique in-game titles.
Diablo IV launches on June 6 for PC, Xbox, and PlayStation.