Look Out for Beloved Chef Ben on 'Below Deck Med' — EXCLUSIVE
Updated June 5 2020, 1:19 p.m. ET

*Updated August 21, 2019*
There hasn't been a single dull moment on this season of Below Deck Med. Between Chef Mila getting fired and Anastasia stepping up to the plate, Sirocco has been faking it til they make it while cruising along the French Riviera.
In recent weeks, we watched as June stepped up to the position of new third stew to replace Anastasia on Hannah's interior team. But because preview clips suggest that Anastasia's tenure as chef might be short-lived, many are wondering whether Chef Ben would be making a return on Captain Sandy's Sirocco.

Does Ben come back to Below Deck Med?
We had the privilege of speaking exclusively to Colin Macy-O'Toole, returning deckhand on this season of Below Deck Med who will likely be leaving his crew in order to make room for June on the exterior.
And of course, we took the chance to ask him about the rumors circulating regarding Chef Ben. Especially because we previously reported on a picture of Ben wearing a Sirocco crew shirt that had the internet abuzz about whether or not he'd take on the role of the yacht's chef.
"Anastasia did a great job," Colin told Distractify exclusively about how relieved the entire yacht was when Mila finally was given the boot. "She was put into a tough position. Captain Sandy gave her the choice [between going back to third stew or stepping up as chef]. She had the confidence to remain chef and she did a really good job."
"Unfortunately," he continued, her doing a good job meant that Colin and his team on the exterior were short-staffed, as Travis became Anastasia's unofficial sous-chef in the galley. "We never had a full crew, you know, but she did a really good job."
Ben's appearance on Below Deck Med will surprise us all.

While Colin admitted that Anastasia did a "great job" cooking on the charters and stepping up to the plate when she was needed by the captain, "it's a hard position because she's not a great chef, she knows that, but she's good enough to kind of — I don't want to say fake it, but you know, surprise with some of the dishes that she puts out and she's done a really good job at it."
However, we'll see Anastasia succumb to the pressures of guest complaints ('the food's not hot enough', 'there's a hair in my dish') and ultimately ask the captain if she can possibly find another chef so that Anastasia can return to her hired position as third stew.
And none other than our beloved Chef Ben from previous seasons of Below Deck Med and Below Deck is about to make his much anticipated return. We absolutely cannot wait to see how he gets on with the rest of the crew, which we expect to be swimmingly, and wonder whether Hannah and he will rekindle their old flames.
Don't miss the latest aboard the Sirocco when Below Deck Med airs Mondays at 9 p.m. on Bravo.