Yup, [SPOILER] Dies in the 'Supernatural' Series Finale, and People Have Thoughts

Updated Nov. 19 2020, 10:48 p.m. ET

After 15 whole seasons, Supernatural is coming to an end tonight. Fans were offered a Supernatural documentary special, Supernatural: The Long Road Home, which aired at 8 p.m. EST as a way to warm up for the final episode (or perhaps to soften the blow that was coming). But no matter how prepared we thought we might be, we'd never really be ready to say goodbye to Supernatural. This means saying goodbye to brothers Sam and Dean. Forever. And that's just not okay.
For those who have watched or are currently watching and have questions, it's probably about Dean. Dean suffers a tragic fate. But before we get into that, we just want to officially give you spoiler warning. If you haven't watched "Carry On" or aren't prepared to know what happens in the episode, then stop reading and come back later.
Does Dean die in 'Supernatural'?
Yup, Dean dies in the finale of Supernatural. Dean's death is oddly not very epic. Sam and Dean are just doing their thing, hunting a vampire, finding a nest — you know, same old-same old. But then Dean runs into a nail, and it kills him. "It's always been you and me," Dean tells Sam before he dies. But before Dean dies, he asks Sam to tell him it's OK to let go, which Sam does. Sam lives out the rest of his adult life, has a son named Dean (aw), and then is reunited with Dean in heaven after he dies.

Although it's heartwarming to see Dean and Sam once again reunited once Sam dies, most fans are beyond pissed that Dean died because of a freakin' nail. Many felt like the writing was sloppy and that the death was pretty unsatisfying given how iconic of a character Dean Winchester is. "ARE YOU TELLING ME DEAN WINCHESTER IS GOING TO DIE LIKE THIS?" one person exclaimed on Twitter. Yup, that is definitely how Dean dies. We are sorry.
And then there's the whole thing with Cas sacrificing himself for Dean and admitting he loved him, only to have Dean die almost immediately after Cas dies. "cas admitted his love for dean and then killed himself in order to save dean's life and dean rewarded him by dying A WEEK LATER," one person tweeted. When you put it that way...yeah, that's not cool.
And what about Eileen? Come on. (We had to make that joke.)
Maybe fans should have just written the finale, because this ending sounds good to us:
There are some viewers out there who thought Dean's fate was fitting. "Dean spent his whole life since he was FOUR taking care of sam and putting his wants & needs above his own protecting him from john and spn really had only sam get to live a full happy life wtf kinda way of honoring a main character's story is that after 15 seasons," one fan argued.
Jared Padalecki himself admitted that the finale script made him incredibly emotional. "I think I cried every time I read the script," he said, and stood by how Supernatural ended, per Entertainment Weekly.
However you feel about the ending, it's all over now. Goodbye, Supernatural. We were with you until the very end.