No, [SPOILER] Doesn't Die in Season 8 of 'The Flash'

Updated June 29 2022, 7:56 p.m. ET

Iris West-Allen (Candice Patton) has constantly found herself in peril during the events of The Flash. After technically dying in Season 3 at the hands of Savitar, things looked particularly dire for Iris in Season 7 of the series. Thankfully, Iris made it through the season alive — but now here we are at the end of Season 8, and once again, it hasn't been so lucky for the fan-favorite character.
In the penultimate episode, Iris yet again finds herself being served up as a sacrifice. In a cruel twist of fate, Eobard Thawne (Matt Lescher) tricks the Flash/Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) into striking Iris with his lightning power. The Flash can only watch in horror as Iris dies in his arms.
But wait — is Iris really dead? After all, she's come back before.

Is Iris really dead in 'The Flash'? (SPOILERS)
While it could potentially move the plot forward in really devastating ways if Iris actually is dead, for a lot of fans, it simply doesn't make sense.
"If Iris died before actually becoming pregnant and having the kids, then how could they possibly still be alive in the future?" on viewer wrote after the June 22 episode.
"Iris can’t be dead. It doesn’t make sense. They must save her," wrote another. "I think she’s a couple years away from having Nora anyway, unless they change her age. So, something big must be coming next week."
Another keen viewer noted that the penultimate episode "wasn’t immediately followed by articles about Candice leaving the show, so she’s obviously not dead." And this fan was certainly on to something. Not only was there no news of Candice exiting the series, but on June 28, TVLine reported that Candice had inked a deal to continue her role into Season 9.
What's more, showrunner Eric Wallace spoke specifically about Iris's fate and promised a happy ending (at least for this season). "I am happy to report, and you can quote me, Team Flash will be OK at the end of Season 8," he told Comicbook. "Iris's Time Sickness will be cured by the end of Season 8."
Eric also made it clear that, "All of these [events] are there for a reason. They're all coming together in our final graphic novel this season, but everybody will get back together ... Everybody will live happily ever after. Iris is not dying. Barry is not dying. None of that."
He also teased that the Season 8 finale will be "the biggest episode in the history of the series."
As for Candice, she has yet to comment on the Season 8 finale or her return for Season 9. All we can say is that we're happy we won't be permanently mourning Iris any time soon!
The Season 8 finale of The Flash airs on Wednesday, June 29 at 8 p.m. ET on the CW.