This Fan Thinks Nintendo Hates Blue Pikmin and Wants to Make Them Suffer

Published Sept. 6 2023, 3:47 p.m. ET
Pikmin come in all shapes and sizes, but it appears Nintendo isn’t a fan of the Blue variety. At least, that’s the claim of a hilarious new TikTok, which compiles all the times Blue Pikmin were put in harm’s way — and compared to the other Pikmin variants, Blue Pikmin always seem to get the short end of the stick.
In the one-minute clip, creator SuperPlexis (real name Gabe Basham), aggregates dozens of bits of content to prove their point. From cover art and promotional materials to animated shorts and more, Nintendo always seems to put Blue Pikmin in the most dangerous situations possible.
The TikTok begins with a Blue Pikmin getting electrocuted, engulfed in flames, and eaten by a giant monster, while all its companions walk away relatively unscathed.
“Um, why does Nintendo hate Blue Pikmin so much?” Gabe says. “No seriously, look at any of their trailers, box art, their promo materials… Nintendo disproportionately depicts Blue Pikmin suffering more than any other Pikmin color.”
When Gabe initially stumbled upon the theory, they didn’t think much of it. But the more they looked into the wild idea, the more they came to believe it was true.
The evidence starts with the very first Pikmin game — as it shows a Blue Pikmin falling on the ground and “eating dirt.” It’s a similar story for Pikmin 2, with different versions of the box art showing a Blue Pikmin about to fall off a plant or getting “thrown as a sacrifice.”
Gabe also notes that every loading screen in Pikmin Bloom features a “Pikmin in peril, and it’s always Blue.”
Even worse? It seems as if Blue’s misfortune extends beyond video games, with its Walmart plushie looking “traumatized.”
Plenty of other folks feel the same way. One Twitter user said they “Just learned Blue Pikmin are canonically the tastiest ones. Is that why they always suffer?”
Another claimed that when they bought Pikmin 4, the Blue Pikmin pin included with the package was broken. A viewer of the tweet chimed in, “It’s always the Blue Pikmin that suffer!” And if you believe a different TikTok viewer, the Blue Pikmin is thrown into these situations because “blue is Sony PlayStation’s color.”
Other Pikmin fans don’t think Nintendo hates Blue Pikmin — they just happen to be clumsy and find themselves in all sorts of predicaments. Unlike other Pikmin, Blue Pikmin have gills and can survive on both land and in water.
Perhaps the ability to live in both locations has made them less well-adjusted than others, and their clumsiness leads them into danger.
Whatever the case, it’s clear Blue Pikmin aren’t receiving the love and respect given to other members of the Pikmin family. Fans still seem to love the adorable creatures, but when it comes to Nintendo, Blue Pikmin appear to be at the bottom of their list. It's an interesting trend, and it'll be curious to see if it continues when Pikmin 5 is inevitably released.