Shang Chi Doesn't Really Have Superhuman Powers in the Marvel Comics Universe

Updated April 19 2021, 4:03 p.m. ET

Few people could've possibly ever predicted that Marvel would become the cinematic powerhouse that it is today. While many folks could've predicted that flicks with "sexier" and more well-known heroes like Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America would've become popular franchises, flicks like Ant Man and Guardians of the Galaxy were further proof that the studio was able to take lesser-known properties and turn them into full-blown franchises.
The same may very well happen with Shang Chi. People are already interested in the hero and want to know: does he have any powers?

Does Shang Chi have powers? Well, kinda, according to the comics.
Marvel movies have taken on a life of their own, compared to their comics counterparts. For example, Thanos's reasons for wanting to kill half of the known universe is rooted more in the fact that he loves Lady Death and wants to impress her by giving her a bunch of extra souls. Plus, certain characters' powers have also been enhanced for the sake of the motion pictures.
Judging by the trailer for Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, it looks like Marvel is doing just that with this hero and like his powers may be "extra-human," at the very least.
In the comics, Shang Chi was trained from a very young age in secret arts, which made him a master of every aspect of his body.
His reflexes are so fast that he can dodge bullets and perform a wide array of acrobatic skills that would put even the most hardcore of parkour enthusiasts to shame. He's also considered the best martial artist in the entire Marvel Universe, in terms of his knowledge and execution. This even extends to his use of weaponry, especially when it comes to swords and nunchucks.
Shang Chi is also shown to show extreme calm in the face of adversity, even in the midst of the most heated and crazy battles. He's able to keep his composure and take a ridiculous amount of damage, too.
He's also able to manipulate and isolate all of his muscles independently, meaning he can basically tense or relax any part of his body at will, so he's always in peak physical shape.
He's also extremely precise with his strikes and every blow he throws is maximized to target pressure points or to render his opponents immobile. In the comics, Shang Chi also trained Spider-Man on how to become a more effective fighter, developing a unique martial arts style for the web-slinger that maximizes his attributes.
Shang Chi can also slow down his own bleeding to keep himself alive longer. Plus, he can halt the spread of poison flowing through his body (something that occurred in the comics). He also has displayed an ability to control his own nervous system, meaning he can numb himself to pain should he need to do so.
Shang Chi's also displayed a heightened mastery over all of his senses, including smell and hearing, so he can track down targets like Wolverine would, and fight with his eyes closed.
He possesses mastery over his own personal "chi" like Iron Fist, meaning that while he doesn't hit as hard as I.F. or other Marvel heroes, he can deal out crazy damage.
All of these attributes, combined with his supreme knowledge of fighting, make Shang Chi an utter Marvel badass, and an asset to any superhero team, as his fighting strategies and tactics will enhance any squad he's on.