Woman Discovers Eardrum Blockage Affecting Her Hearing Caused by “Massive” Clump of Dog Hair
"I just have hearing loss."

Published Nov. 16 2024, 2:00 a.m. ET
A woman who was having difficulty hearing went to the doctor in order to find out what was going on with her hearing. Karrah (@karrah_peden_tram) said that her ENT ultimately discovered gobs of her dog's hair resting inside of her eardrum.
"I'm literally mortified. I just got back from the ENT. I went there because I thought I was losing hearing in my ear. So he goes in and he's looking at both ears," she says, recounting how her doctor sought to diagnose her issues.
Karrah continues, "And first he starts with the one that was fine. And he goes, oh, one second. And starts digging around in there, pulls out a massive black mass of ear wax."
The TikToker was horrified with the amount of wax her doctor extricated from her ear. "Like it was disgusting and it is huge and it looks like it shouldn't fit there," she says.
At this point in the video, she reminds her viewers that the ear wax was removed from the ear cavity that was supposed to be the "healthy" one.
After looking into her affected ear, Karrah was told by the doctor that it was in much worse shape than the other.
"I was like, 'Oh. Gross. But cool.' And then he moves on to the next one. And he's like, 'OK, there's some more ear wax on this. It's actually like cemented on the ear drum. So this'll take a minute'," she says.
As her ENT was meticulously working inside of her ear, the TikToker described the experience as unpleasant — she could feel him working in there.
She continues, "And then he pulls that out. Just equally as gross, much more painful though."

However, it's what the doctor said after the extraction that is probably the last thing any patient wants to hear. Karrah then says, "And then he goes, 'No way.' I was like, and he goes, 'Oh you're not going to believe what I'm going to pull out next."
Karrah, flabbergasted, goes on to describe exactly what was lurking in her ear and causing all of her hearing problems. Not before, however, sitting in what felt like an interminably uncomfortable waiting period.
"And then just like leaves it there," she continues. "So I'm dying inside, thinking it's a bug. There's a freaking bug in my ear. And he brings out tweezers and it was so painful. Like, he's like pulling really hard and it's like right on my ear drum."

Finally, the ENT was able to remove the mass inside of her ear, and it's at this point in the procedure that Karrah realized her ear was becoming a repository of dog hair.
She says that her doctor told her it was a rather severe case of dog-hair-in-the-ear-itis. "And he said it looked like somebody had put dog hair in my ear and just like stuffed it down the canal," she says. She proceeds to pantomime what that looks like with her two hands, demonstrating the sheer amount of dog hair that was inside of her ear.
She looks into the camera, putting her hand on her face, and says, "I can't." She adds a PSA in a caption for her story that she's mentioning it as a means of it serving as some type of PSA for others to regularly get their ears examined.
"Everyone should go get their ears checked and see what treasures hide inside," she pens.

Numerous folks who responded to her video seemed just as grossed out as she was by the ear discovery. One person said they became so disturbed that they began looking at proper ear wax removal techniques. "Thanks, I just spent the last 30 minutes looking at proper ear wax removal."
Another pet owner said that they, too, had their dog's hair trapped inside of their ears: "This happened to me and the doctor was like, do you have a white dog? My white dog had passed a year before but she was still with me. Lol."
It could have been worse for Karrah, however. That's because someone else reported that their child went to the doctor, only to discover that there were snails growing inside of her ears: "Listen ... my daughter had emergency surgery last week to remove SNAIL shells that GREW inside her ears. Every medical professional had to come take a look."