"You Guys Don't Understand Dogs" Says Woman Whose Dog Is Attacking Another Dog

Published Sept. 27 2023, 8:48 a.m. ET
I have absolutely been guilty of walking outside with my dog, sans leash. I have zero excuses for it, but I do have a couple of reasons. First of all, my dog Lorraine is quite timid and small. The only thing she has ever gone after is a piece of food I've accidentally dropped. Suddenly she's Indiana Bones looking for the Bark of the Covenant.
Secondly, she's very strange and hates leashes. I don't know why this is. I adopted her like that. When I get out a leash, she runs away from me. Putting on her harness yields a dramatic response that could get her an Academy Award. It's madness. I now understand that using a leash is as much for my dog's safety as it is for others. Clearly not everyone understands this as noted by a TikTok of a woman blaming other people for her unleashed dog's attack. Ma'am, the call is coming from inside the house.

Can anyone ever really know dogs?
Xinyu Fang's TikTok account, @laurentfong, is filled with videos of her gorgeous Samoyed dogs. These dogs are so fluffy and adorable, I wouldn't be surprised if Jim Henson himself created the breed.
The Fang family lives in a full house with two Samoyeds and at least three cats. By all accounts, the Samoyed dogs get along beautifully with other animals, as noted by a deeply cute video here one of them is rolling around in the mud with another dog. It's giving Woodstock '94 and the headliner is Red Hot Chili Dogs.
Sadly, sometimes things can take a turn which is what happened to Xinyu while at the park with the dogs. She documented an attack on one of the dogs by a retriever who was off its leash.
Thankfully the attack did look to be more playful than dangerous but when you're in the moment, it's hard to assess the situation. One of the Samoyeds is being held by a man who is turning around and around, in an effort to keep it away from the Golden Retriever.
It looks as if the retriever gets at least one nip in before its owner rushes over. Although at the risk of making light of this situation, the Samoyed has so much hair that it's possible the retriever got a mouthful of hair, not skin. I sure hope so!
The Samoyed looks shocked while the other tries to join in which makes me believe the retriever is just playing. It's hopping up and down with excitement. Perhaps the situation escalated because the owners became tense and the dogs could sense that. It's understandable why they would. They are sensitive! I always have to be aware of my emotions around my dog. Dogs do pick things up and Lorraine and I are very codependent and grossly in love.

Lorraine looking like she's about to begin your therapy appointment
When the retriever's owner appears, she yells, "You guys just don't understand dogs." Unless that woman is a dog trainer, and she may very well be, what she probably means is they Samoyed owners don't understand her dog.
The comments section provided some fascinating insight into dogs. One person said they used to manage a dog daycare, and Golden Retrievers started the most fights. As much as I appreciate anecdotal evidence, I needed more proof than one person in the comments.
According to Pet Keen dot com, a website whose "writing team includes practicing veterinarians and vet technicians, animal trainers specializing in animal psychology, and people who are passionate about the well-being of animals, big and small," Golden Retrievers are not aggressive at all! If aggression appears, there has to be a reason. Again I say, it looks like that dog was just playing.
Another TikToker commented that Samoyeds are famously friendly. It turns out they are extremely personable, says Hill's Pet dot com. They also get along great with other dogs but are "herding dogs and may show some tendency to chase or nip." Oh now that's interesting. Could one of the Samoyeds have been in herding mode? We can't say because the video starts mid-attack. Regardless, please always put your dogs on a leash!