Door Dash Worker Shows off Abandoned Orders from Customers Who Didn’t Tip, Sparks Debate

Updated April 16 2023, 7:41 a.m. ET

If you're working for a delivery app like Door Dash or Uber Eats and you use a car to commute everywhere, then your wallet's probably hurting really, really bad right now.
Gas prices have surged to insane levels, creating record-high profits for oil companies but leaving folks who especially rely on their vehicles for work in a very tight financial situation.
Many folks who work for applications like Door Dash and Uber Eats have posted at length about the pay inequities that they've experienced while completing deliveries. Oftentimes, especially when they have to travel long distances to get customers their food, drivers may end up losing money when gas and car maintenance is taken into account, or they end up earning less than minimum wage.
Of course, the benefit to using apps like Door Dash and Uber Eats is job scheduling flexibility, as you can mark yourself available for deliveries whenever you feel like it.
But it's still hard to justify spending one's time working to deliver food when you're not making much money, which is why so many delivery drivers rely on tips.

And there are tons of TikToks about the practice, including "tip baiters" who, in some instances, dangle the carrot of gratuity in front of a delivery driver only to take the tip back after the food's been delivered.
Some customers have admitted to doing this as a means of ensuring their food is brought to them in a timely fashion

And while there are Door Dash drivers who say that this phenomenon is a very rare occurrence, nonetheless there are a growing number of posts addressing the fact that orders placed by non-tippers end up getting the shallow end of the delivery stick.

This is exactly what TikToker @mrpanda1688 is saying happened at a restaurant he went to pick some food orders up at, only to see a ton of undelivered Uber Eats and Door Dash meals piled up behind the register.

In the now-viral clip, the TikToker said that an employee of the location claimed all of the orders were for delivery apps like Door Dash and Uber Eats, but drivers didn't pick them up because tips weren't associated with the order.
"These been sitting here for 4 hours because no dashers would take nontip orders. No tip no trip, the worker told me no dashers/ Uber Eats/Grubhub went to get the order."

This sparked a debate in the comments section, with many folks who say they work for Door Dash and Grub Hub defending the practice, stating that financially it just doesn't make sense to deliver meals that they're going to earn pennies on the dollar for.

Other commenters mentioned that they stopped using delivery apps altogether because even when they did tip drivers, they would still receive a delay in their order.
And then there were some who believed that "tipping culture is out of control" citing the high mark-ups for delivery costs on applications and pre-tipping in order to ensure your meal is delivered in a timely fashion.

Many others in the comments section expressed that delivery drivers overall weren't paid enough for their services of these 3rd party applications.
What do you think? Should people just pick up the food themselves if they don't like how much it costs? Or do companies like Door Dash and Uber Eats need to find another way to ensure their drivers are making livable wages? Or should delivery drivers, if they don't like it, should just find another line of work?