Most Dedicated DoorDasher of All Time: Gets Hit by Car, Still Completes Delivery Order

Published Nov. 25 2023, 8:49 a.m. ET

If you're into DoorDash or cycling content on TikTok, or just reside in the Washington, D.C. area, then there's a good chance you've come across @bikingdc's content. The laid-back delivery rider documents his trips throughout the city, dropping off food, packages, and capturing any misadventures that might occur along the way.
Like the time he completed a delivery so quickly that the DoorDash application wouldn't let him mark it as done as he thought he was lying about the time it took him to finish the order.
In a recent pair of videos though, @bikingdc shared yet another unfortunate situation he found himself in, but it was decidedly scarier with potentially terrifying implications.
That's because when he was en route to complete a customer's order, he was hit by a car. The two clips he documented the incident, and its subsequent aftermath, garnered over 160,000 views for the DoorDash driver.
And while the video contains a scary first person view of what could have resulted in a gruesome injury, there's a refreshingly common thread that links all of the TikToker's interactions with the people in the video: kindness. Immediate, voluntary kindness.
The clip begins with a fellow bicyclist recognizing @bikingdc. They fist bump and the man tells him that "all of D.C. follows" him as residents of the city presumably love his content that much.
Due to the fact that D.C. has a massive number of cyclists who regularly commute using pedals and two wheels (an estimated 18,000 people), the city has been named one of the most bike-friendly places to live in America.
The law offices of Chaikin Sherman Cammarata Siegel P.C. writes of the nation's Capital city: "With its extensive network of bike lanes and trails and its flat terrain, it’s easy to see why cycling is so popular in the district."
The firm goes on to say that this bevy of riders also translates to more people getting hurt while riding around on their bikes: "Unfortunately, this also means there are more opportunities for bicycle accidents to happen."
Which is a phenomenon that @bikingdc experienced first hand and caught the harrowing experience on camera. As he was riding back upon picking up a Chick-Fil-A delivery, no handlebars as he usually does, a white crossover SUV pulls out of its parking spot and hits the DoorDasher's bike, causing him to catapult right off and roll onto the pavement.
To @bikingdc's credit, he manages to avoid serious injury and springs right back to his feet, exhibiting an ability to roll with the hit and position his body in such a way that he was able to slide on the pavement and pop himself up.

While @bikingdc was able to amazingly save the food, the customer's drink ended up being knocked out of its drink carrier, which the TikToker shows off in a slow-motion replay for added dramatic effect.
@bikingdc calls out to the driver, "Broooo," to which the road commuter replies by asking him if he's all right. @bikingdc says he is and the driver apologizes for not seeing him as he was pulled out onto the street.
The driver asks if the bike is all right and @bikingdc replies that that's what he's worried about. He then asks the TikToker for his CashApp and sends him $500, but the DoorDash delivery driver says the amount is way too high, calling the man crazy for offering him any cash at all.

The man keeps telling him that he wants him to take the money, but @bikingdc repeatedly declines until he finally accepts taking $250 for his trouble as the driver apologizes once again.
Josh then goes to shake the man's hand and asks him his name: Ferrell. Ferrell tells Josh he is happy that he didn't hit his head and that he hopes his elbow is okay, but then notices that the Dasher has a camera rig on him. Upon discovering that the camera is indeed running, Josh appears to get immediately embarrassed, but Josh assures him that he's not going to come after him legally as he was fine after the hit.
They exchange well wishes again and go their separate ways, and in the second clip pertaining to Joshua's accident, he shows how intent he was on doing his job. Yes, he contacted DoorDash to let them know about the accident, but he also wanted to make sure his customer got their food on time.

While on his way to the customer's house, he rings them up to let them know why he's running late and the food recipient seems astounded on the other end of the line.
"You were hit by a car?" he exclaims.
Josh informs the man that while his food was okay, his drinks were "not good" and that he would be going back to the restaurant in order to complete the order and get him the beverages he originally requested.
The clip then transitions to Josh knocking on the man's door, who immediately asks if he's okay, and the TikToker assures him that he's fine before the two enter into a polite mini-argument over Josh heading back to get the drinks. The customer assures Josh that doing so isn't necessary, but Josh, just like the driver who insisted he take something after being hit, doubles down and informs the customer that he will return with his drinks and fully complete his order.

Josh departs with a fist bump after snapping a photo of the man's receipt as he heads back to the Chick-fil-A to pick up the drinks. He informs the site's manager of the situation he just found himself in and even offered to pay for the beverages, but the manager tells him not to worry about it.
The next shot is of Josh on his way to the customer's house, the refreshed drinks in his hand. He passes the site of the accident on his way there, pointing out the spill on the ground from the drinks that were jostled around following his hit.
When Josh dropped off the drinks, the customer presented him with a Ziploc bag filled with bandages and other First Aid items, adding to the laundry list of already wholesome interactions that occurred during Josh's unfortunate Chick-fil-A delivery excursion.