DoorDashers Got Into a Fist Fight After One Cut the Line for Pickups, Sparking Debate

Updated Oct. 21 2023, 10:41 a.m. ET

It's never a good feeling when you wake up and suddenly remember that you forgot a special date. Whether it's an anniversary, someone's birthday, or Mother's day, you suddenly start to scramble to try and find ways to make up for your inability to set multiple annual calendar notifications to let you know that the special day is right around the corner.
There are several different ways you can go about rectifying this problem. You could go big and buy that special someone who is the beneficiary of said holiday a gift you'll be spending the next few months trying to pay off. However, that's risky business, as you could drop a ton of money on something that they didn't really want in the first place.
And maybe you don't have the kind of dough to put together to try a hail mary big-ticket item and even if you did, those kinds of large gifts could ultimately backfire as you could just look like someone who is doing their best to try and make up for the fact that you forget the big day.
But there is a foolproof gift that could help buy you some time before you find that perfect little something to get them: food. And you could order from pretty much any restaurant that you like with apps like DoorDash.
Trouble is, there are plenty of people who apparently have that same exact idea, at least on Mother's Day, which is why there were so many DoorDashers waiting to pick up food outside of a restaurant during this very holiday.
TikToker @shesoblaszemusic recorded an altercation between two dashers that occurred on the long line that turned violent.
TikTok ultimately took down the video, but it appears to have been uploaded on @shesoblaszemusic's Instagram stories temporarily and the "aftermath" of the clips was relayed through comments on her TikTok videos. She also uploaded it in its entirety to Twitter.

It starts off innocuously enough: OP posts a clip of Dashers waiting in the rain. Everything appears pretty mundane if not a bit glum: who wants to wait outside in the rain on Mother's Day picking up food for other people? Folks trying to cash in on all the Mother's Day food orders, that's who.
However, trouble starts to brew between two of the Dashers picking up orders. A woman wearing multi-colored yoga pants, a blue jacket, Uggs, and a red delivery bag on her head begins looking around and talking on her cell phone took issue with another dasher, a woman in black, who walked right into the store to pick up their order.
The "girl in black" as she is named in the video reportedly emerges from the store wearing black and white track pants, and is tripped by the woman wearing the blue jacket who is significantly bigger than the "line cutter." The woman in black retaliates by slapping the blue jacket woman in the back. She then gets slapped in the face by the larger woman and then pushed by the neck to the ground.
The woman in black then gets up to confront the blue jacketed woman and gets thrown the ground. She gets up again to accost the woman and kicks her, and then gets thrown down the ground again. The woman in black then stands up and smacks the blue jacket woman with a gift bag, who then shouts, "leave me alone" appearing to be finished with the altercation, adding "walk away" to the woman in black.

OP who is presumably behind the camera says, "Y'all chill" as another man waiting to pick up food says, "Next time, you won't cut a line again."
Folks who watched the fight transpire had mixed opinions on who was in the wrong.

Some believed that the "girl in black" deserved to be intentionally tripped. While others thought that it was wrong for anyone to physically escalate the situation and folks waiting on the line should've called her out for cutting.

Some DoorDash delivery drivers in the comments section argued that the ire against the woman in black didn't make any sense, as her food could've very well been ready to get picked up and there was no reason for her to wait in line.
Who do you think is wrong here? Or were both of them behaving poorly?