Dr. Kenny Smiles Is Being Read for Filth on TikTok After Disgusting Messages Leak

Published Sept. 27 2023, 8:33 a.m. ET
The Gist:
- Dr. Kenny Smiles, aka Dr. Kenneth Wilstead, is known for sharing “smile makeovers” on social media.
- Dr. Smiles has been accused of sending inappropriate messages to prospective clients on his reality show.
- TikTok influencer Mama Tot says that she will no longer support Dr. Kenny Smiles.
When will folks learn that having notoriety doesn’t save you from the backlash of foolish mistakes? Thanks to social media, it’s very easy for our mistakes to become a trending news story. And when someone with celebrity status makes a misstep, their transgressions are often magnified to the 10th power. Case in point: Dr. Kenny Smiles.
People who frequent TikTok are familiar with Dr. Kenny Smiles, aka Dr. Kenneth Wilstead, who's known for sharing “smile makeovers” on social media. However, it appears that his good work has all been done in vain based on leaked messages of conversations between him and prospective clients on TikTok. And of course, folks are ready to cancel him due to the controversy. Here’s the full scoop.
Dr. Kenny Smiles has sent messages to women on TikTok that span from bullying to sexually explicit.
How could one be so dumb? Thanks to TikTok creator Biggdoglefty (@bigdoglefty), TikTok users were able to see how the controversy around Dr. Smiles and prospective patients came to light.
As the video begins, Lefty says that Dr. Kenny offered Mama Tot, aka Twitter user Ophelia (@shoelover89), the opportunity to do some free dental work. Mama Tot turned down the offer but told him to give the offer to one of her followers.
Hefty explained that he came through with the request and did work on a woman. After the success story, Dr. Smiles announced on his social platform that we would be doing a reality show where he would be doing free dental work.
While folks were excited about the possibility of getting some dental work, things turned left very quickly as multiple women came forward with claims and receipts that Dr. Smiles was disrespectful toward them.
In the video, the first woman, TikTok creator Ariel & Jill (@aroseslimes) shared screenshots of messages between her and Dr. Smiles. In her initial message, she praised Dr. Smiles for his work and shared her circumstance with losing her teeth and hoping that he could help her.
However, he responded and proceeded to disrespect her.
“Death emoji, The show is more than a sad story, and with your ummm SIZE, you don’t fit the bill,” Dr. Smiles’ message read.
Another TikTok user, Annely Elizibeth (@annelyelizzy), also shared her screenshots of a conversation between herself and Dr. Smiles. Annely’s portion begins with her getting emotional about her teeth and then the messages are shown.
Annely was initially ecstatic about Dr. Smiles following her online and asked if he saw her auditions on TikTok and Instagram. Dr. Smiles said that he did see it before saying the unthinkable.
“Just wanted to have s-- with you. It’s fine,” Dr. Smiles said in the DM.
Additionally, Hefty showed clips from Dr. Smiles throwing shade at prospective clients for the reality show.
“OK, the hashtag is #DKSCasting, not casting couch. Be aware,” Dr. Smiles said in a video.
Interestingly, a woman, TikTok user Taylyn (@taylynm) shared a screenshot of her DM exchange with Dr. Smiles, which Hefty included.
“Maybe the hashtag should have been casting couch because after I posted this, this is the response I was met with,” Taylyn said as she showed the DMs of her original videos, teeth pictures, and Dr. Smiles’ response.
Dr. Smiles not only thanked the woman for her submission, he asked for her personal information, said that he was “deciding on who makes the Top 50” and “asked her for 10 more pictures of her size, shape, and stuff like that since the show is about more than just teeth.”
He also told the woman that “clothing is optional.”
Hefty ended the video by saying that Dr. Smiles has some explaining to do.
Dr. Smiles hasn't addressed the DM’s on social media but did share that his staff handles his social media.
According to NBC News, Dr. Smiles responded to the claims on social media about him and gave the “staff” response.
"I have staff who help handle my social media, Dr. Smiles said in an email to the outlet. "The character I play both online and in my office has been something I have used to break the tension of a stressful experience and unfortunately sometimes people who don’t have full context feel like I cross(ed) the line and it’s their right to have their own opinions. I respect that right."
Dr. Smiles also made light of the situation and said that “the current situation stems from a blowup of a few written comments.”
Despite trying to share his side of the story, it appears that the damage is already done.
Mama Tot took to TikTok on Sept. 15, 2023, to share that she will no longer support Dr. Smiles.
“I will always be grateful for everything he did for the three people that won Mama Tot smiles. I will forever be thankful,” Mama Tot said. “But after what I just saw, I can no longer publicly support Dr. Kenny at all.”
Folks on TikTok applauded Mama Tot for her decision while other folks sent well wishes to the women who felt disrespected by Dr. Smiles.