What’s the Deal With Dr. Strange’s [SPOILER] in ‘Multiverse of Madness'?

Published May 6 2022, 11:50 a.m. ET

Spoiler alert: Spoilers for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness below.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has such a vast library of different intellectual properties that each series of films and shows satisfy different genres and cinematic tastes. Chalking all of them up to just being "superhero movies" is a bit dismissive, especially when you think of the variety of directors attached to these projects. For example, the legendary Sam Raimi directed Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, where the Sorcerer Supreme attains a third eye.
Wait, what is the deal with Dr. Strange's third eye?
While Dr. Strange has played pivotal roles in multiple Marvel flicks, including Infinity War, Endgame, and Spider-Man: No Way Home, Multiverse of Madness is only his second standalone movie.

This means the production team had a real opportunity to utilize all of Strange's capabilities and highlight the unique challenges that could be presented to him thanks to his specific skill set.
And there's something about the world of sorcery and spells that really lends itself to a more horror-angled narrative for Multiverse of Madness. There's creepy imagery throughout the movie, and one detail — the third eye that the evil version of Strange is rocking in the flick — had tons of viewers unnerved.
However, the third eye isn't inherently evil. It's basically a manifestation of the Eye of Agamotto, which is a power that sorcerers can attain after they've expanded their abilities, which is what the evil Strange, aka Sinister Strange, did.
MCU fans have seen the eye before (and not attached to Strange's forehead). It houses the time stone that Dr. Strange was utilizing in No Way Home to help Peter Parker out before everything went haywire.
In the last scene of the movie, we see Dr. Strange smirking as he rocks a third eye on his brow, which got a lot of fans thinking that he's a bad guy all of a sudden. All it means is that Strange has become way more powerful than he's been before.
What are the powers of the Eye of Agamotto?
What makes Strange particularly redoubtable is the fact that he's still in possession of the time stone, which only amplifies his third eye's powers. There are some pretty unique abilities afforded to those who attain this third eye. They can see all past events that occurred, and it allows the user to see through anyone's BS.
If someone's trying to disguise themselves or use a magical or shape-shifting illusion, Strange will be able to instantly spot it and know that something's up. He also now has the ability to track multiple magical entities, delve into people's minds, summon and transport people to different dimensions at a whim, and create mystical barriers to protect himself.
Dr. Strange, at the end of Multiverse of Madness has effectively become ... kind of a God (and so has Wanda), so it'll be interesting to see what his role in the MCU looks like moving forward. Here's hoping he will use those powers for good.