Even Die Hard Potterheads Will Be Shocked to Know Draco Malfoy's Net Worth

Updated Oct. 27 2020, 9:02 p.m. ET

You know you're getting into serious nerd territory when you begin arguing about fictional character hypotheticals — like who would be better in a game of beer pong: Deadpool or Spider-Man? Or what the star signs of each major Grey's Anatomy character are and how they offer clues and "additional insight" into their peculiar arcs. Or, if you're really into everything Harry Potter, what Draco Malfoy's net worth is?
We do know the net worth of Draco Malfoy's family is pretty redoubtable.
Draco's the typical rich snob who lives a life of privilege, sneering his way through Hogwarts and looking down at everyone who doesn't slick their hair back and presumably doesn't talk about how awesome their Audi S7 is — but he's gonna probably be bored of it soon and try out an M5 next year.
In the Harry Potter series, he can be seen constantly looking down on Harry, because, you know, he's a little orphan who lived under a staircase and is cool with wizards who aren't "pure-bloods."
But like any "hidden king" narrative, it turns out that not only was Harry not just some nerd who lived underneath a staircase, but he actually comes from a long line of magical wizards. Sure, his dad was kind of a douchenozzle, and the stern teacher who was secretly rooting for him the whole time and had a clear obsession with The Cure was in love with his dead mom, making for a weird dynamic, but Harry actually came from a super rich family.

It's just hard to know how rich he was, and whose family was richer. What we do know about the Malfoys is that they got money, so much that they never really needed to work and instead spent most of their time engaging in wizardry and throwing over the top parties. According to The Richest, J.K. Rowling has clearly delineated a lot of the characters in the Harry Potter world's finer life details and family trees.
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter contains lots of bits of information, like the net worths of some of the series' most prominent characters. Sirius Black is super, duper rich, possessing a whopping 199,513 Galleons, or $1.6 million. Not bad for someone who's a wanted man. But it pales in comparison to his family member's net worth.
Bellatrix Lestrange possesses a staggering 421,686,753 Galleons, or $2.1 billion. So how about the Malfoy family? Well, if you were thinking Draco's pops, Lucius, is the richest character in the Harry Potter universe, then you'd be wrong: He's second to Bellatrix. Lucius possesses 321,285,145 Galleons, or $1.6 Billion. Not bad considering he has family members to share that money with, and Bellatrix has kind of just been in prison, not spending her money.
While Harry's family certainly has dough, he doesn't have coinage like Draco's family. Harry's net worth is 319,995 Galleons, or $2.6 million. He won't be buying gulf stream jets to take on Tuesday morning trips to Ibiza, but he can pretty much live comfortably without having to worry about being on the street, and he's generous with his friends and is quick to help invest in their dreams (Fred and George's shop, for example.)
The actor who plays Draco Malfoy, Tom Felton, has a pretty great net worth of his own.
He's currently enjoying a reported $35 million, which is definitely not bad for a 33-year-old (he was born in 1987). When he's not acting (he was most recently in Braking for Whales and the TV series Origin), Tom is working on finding new musical talent with the company he co-founded, Six String Productions.
He's a musician himself and plays guitar and writes his own music. He also made waves recently when word broke out that he may be dating Hermione Granger ... err, Emma Watson IRL.
Thankfully, he's not the sniveling slimeball he plays in the films IRL, or else it would feel like some giant karmic wrong that the dude's got it so good.