Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Suffers Face Injury and Needs Stitches While at the Gym
Updated Oct. 27 2020, 1:54 p.m. ET

Yikes! Though he may look like a superhero, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is not invincible.
In an Instagram video posted on Oct. 26, 2020, the A-list actor shared a video of himself at the gym with a giant gash on the side of his head. Keep reading to find out more about his face injury.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is sporting a nasty face injury. What happened?
The action star does not play around when it comes to his fitness routine and was busy hurling heaving chains at the gym. But, his form may need a little work as the star accidentally hit himself near his eye, which resulted in a laceration. "We ain’t playin’ tiddlywinks and we ain’t reciting nursery rhymes - it’s called the #ironparadise for a reason and things get extremely intense," he captioned the Instagram video. "Threw around my 50lb chains for a drop set - I got lumped up and need stitches."

Though he needed stitches for the small head wound, the 48-year-old was not about to let that stop him from completing his workout routine. To show his followers just how "tough" he is, Dwayne licked some of the blood from his head. "Taste your blood, keep training and stitch up later - rules of the house," the social media caption continued.
He added, "And I can confirm my blood tastes like Teremana, calluses and BlaMoan (black and samoan) Hot Sauce. Have a productive week, my friends - keep it light and a lil’ fun, but get after it like a MF."
And, this is not the first time the hulking actor suffered an injury and decided to work through it.
What injuries has The Rock had?
In 2013, the former wrestling star injured himself at Wrestlemania 29 during a match with fellow WWE-star-turned-actor John Cena. Dwayne tore his rectus tendon, his adductor from his pelvis, and also had a triple hernia. After getting injured just 25 minutes into the match, the referee asked the actor if he was 'OK.'
Though he knew something was wrong, Dwayne decided to continue the match for the next 25 minutes.
The injury happened right before the actor was supposed to leave to shoot the film Hercules, which resulted in Dwayne undergoing emergency surgery.

"Two weeks before I was supposed to go to Budapest, the injury happened at ‘Mania,’ then the emergency hernia surgery, so by the time I stepped on set in Budapest, I’m still working with two torn tendons from the pelvis, and recovering from triple hernia surgery," he told Muscle and Fitness.
Overall, Dwayne is not going to let injuries (big or small) stop him from achieving his fitness goals.